semaphore: SSH known_hosts read_passphrase: can\'t open /dev/tty: No such device or address\r\nHost key verification failed


Not sure if this is a bug or if my config is wrong, but I have tried to both google it and different configurations so here goes:

SHA256****\r\ndebug3: hostkeys_foreach: reading file "/home/semaphore/.ssh/known_hosts"\r\ndebug1: read_passphrase: can\'t open /dev/tty: No such device or address\r\nHost key verification failed.\r\n')

The user on the server which is running semaphore, is named semaphore, hence the directory.

As I understand the error, the remote host is not in the known_hosts directory, and the ssh-agent is expecting input wether it should approve this remote host or not.

I have tried to mitigate this by telling ansible, and ssh, to not care about the host key by configuring the Environment.

  "inventory_hosts": "staging",
  "host_key_checking": "False",
  "ENV": {
    "ansible_ssh_common_args": "-o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no"

In debug run it captures host_key_checking, but it does not seem to catch the ENV key.

I have not found anything relevant in the log on the server for semaphore.

Running this localy using ansible-playbook, as user semaphore, presented the same problem but when asking SSH to not care about host key check it just accepted the host keys and put these into /home/semaphore/.ssh/authorized_keys

So yes, a solution would be to keep that file updated, but that would require some more automation implemented for whenever the inventory is updated, feels like a work around but maybe it’s the solution?

Any help appreciated!


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Most upvoted comments

@1024jon Keep in mind that this disables a core security feature of SSH. It’s the same as if your browser wouldn’t check any authenticity of a website’s TLS certificate and accepts all certificates (self-signed, wrong domains, etc).

I can confirm this issue with semaphore v2.8.79 in docker. If I enter into container using docker exec -it semaphore-semaphore-1 sh and create by hand /home/semaphore/.ssh/know_hosts file issue still exists. Only after connect to remote hosts with ssh -l username hostname from container and accepting host key by hand it works. But I have many hosts and adding every is problem. Workaround with disabling key checking is not very good I think, so it will be good to fix this issue. If any information or help from me is needed I ready to questions.

FWIW, I’m running the newest version in docker(2.8.53) and I haven’t run into this issue anymore…I just have “ANSIBLE_HOST_KEY_CHECKING: “false”” included in my docker-compose.

@fiftin I’ve got this bug as well, when running semaphore in docker. host_key_checking = False solves the issue and connects and stores the host key in /home/semaphore/.ssh/known_hosts, also when adding the flags in the inventory file: ansible_ssh_common_args: '-o StrictHostKeyChecking=no'

There are multiple solutions and workarounds and I would advocate against the general use of host_key_checking = False.

@KasperSkytte & @fiftin I couldn’t find any ssh flag, that accepts hostkeys of unknown hosts, but fails otherwise. Using the helper yes | ssh (....) would probably work, though.

My favorite solution, which isn’t a workaround as it enables you a fine-grained control over the host keys, is to mount a known_hosts file from the host into the docker contain in read only mode, in my case the known_hosts from my server user.

# (...)
      - /srv/semaphore/playbooks/:/playbooks/
      - /root/.ssh/known_hosts:/home/semaphore/.ssh/known_hosts:ro
# (...)

But you can also hand-craft a separate known_hosts file with ssh-keyscan

Additional workaround:

Create an special inventory file just to learn host keys. Accept in the inventory all host Keys and use Ping as no op command: to connect to all remove hosts. In your actual playbooks, you then can leave host key checking active, as your known_hosts file is now filled.

@luismsousa, try to add this to your inventory file It can be set for whole inventory, not only for one host as in this example

my.ip.adr.ess ansible_ssh_extra_args='-o StrictHostKeyChecking=no'