semaphore: Listing playbook hosts failed
I have installed and setup Semaphore on Debian 10 using Snap as per the instructions but whenever I try and run a playbook it fails with the following error:
Failed to add the host to the list of known hosts (/root/.ssh/known_hosts).
installing static inventory
No roles/requirements.yml file found. Skip galaxy install process.
Listing playbook hosts failed: fork/exec /root/snap/semaphore/common/ansible_env/bin/ansible-playbook: no such file or directory
The file /root/snap/semaphore/common/ansible_env/bin/ansible-playbook
does indeed exist and is executable.
Any ideas of what the problem could be?
About this issue
- Original URL
- State: open
- Created 3 years ago
- Comments: 28 (1 by maintainers)
@andavas Fixed. Please update semaphore by command:
@Driaan I switched to using rundeck. it has an Ansible plugin and runs great. Using your system Ansible install etc and I just love it. would recommend
I’m getting a similar error:
I am running in pve > lxc > ubuntu 22.04. Installed through snapd, nothing else done to the system apart from creating a new user and adjusting ssh options
did you solved it? having the exact same issue and also using no snap but “normal” installation of semaphore… its really hard to debug as I cannot find any useful logs or output anywhere…
EDIT: found the actual reason for my issue and created a ticket at #890 as the above is really just a generic hint which can’t be fixed without using the CLI to see the real error.
Sorry for delay.
@Vitexus , problem solved?
i have the same issue with exit status 1 no further description… standalone install using static or file host no difference
Any ideas?
it even works with the bundled version of Ansible… just not in the web ui
/root/snap/semaphore/common/ansible_env/bin/ansible-playbook -i inventory_2147483572 --step -e "ansible_user=pi ansible_ssh_pass=<password>" repository_2_7/setup-ssh-tunneling.yml
I have exactly the same problem as @Vitexus … I suspect this is somehow an Ansible error, but I don’t know how to debug that
@fiftin Thanks for your work in resolving this. This problem appears to be resolved but Ansible is still outputting some warnings:
It still appears to work fine but it does output those warnings.
It works! Well, kind of… I’m having some connection issues with SSH keys, but I believe this is somehow my fault. This time the task ran (with https key) before Ansible returning the error code 4 (unreachable).
I have the same issue, but when I updated the snap version and run the task again, I faced the following error:
I did a complete reinstall of the server, now I am getting:
So I installed Ansible, however I still get the same problem but note: