tus-php: Throwing 404 errors in Laravel

Your API seems great ! But i’ve been scratching my head for a few days now to integrate it. I’m still a beginner in Laravel and in php in general but it seems that after following all your integration process (I found it very clear), I guess it throws 405 error at the upload stage.

I already included csrf in the header request.

Error message.txt

Ever encountered this issue before ? Help would be much appreciated ! 😃


//Tus routes
Route::any('/tus/{any?}', function () {
    $response = app('tus-server')->serve();
    return $response->send();
})->where('any', '.*');

Route::any('/files/{any?}', function () {
    $response = app('tus-server')->serve();

    return $response->send();
})->where('any', '.*');

Route::get('test', function (){
	return view('test');
Route::post('verify', 'TusController@TusFile');
Route::post('upload', 'TusController@UploadTus');



namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use TusPhp\Exception\FileException;
use TusPhp\Exception\ConnectionException;
use GuzzleHttp\Exception\ConnectException;
use TusPhp\Exception\Exception as TusException;
use GuzzleHttp\Client;
require '/Users/fabrique/code/dancenote/vendor/autoload.php';

class TusController extends Controller

 * Uploads files in 5mb chunk.
public function TusFile () {

$client = new \TusPhp\Tus\Client('http://dancenote.test/tus');

// Alert: Sanitize all inputs properly in production code
if ( ! empty($_FILES)) {
    $status    = 'new';
    $fileMeta  = $_FILES['tus_file'];
    $uploadKey = hash_file('md5', $fileMeta['tmp_name']);

    try {
        $offset = $client->setKey($uploadKey)->file($fileMeta['tmp_name'])->getOffset();

        if (false !== $offset) {
            $status = $offset >= $fileMeta['size'] ? 'uploaded' : 'resume';

        } else {
            $offset = 0;
        echo json_encode([
            'status' => $status,
            'bytes_uploaded' => $offset,
            'upload_key' => $uploadKey,
    } catch (ConnectException $e) {
        echo json_encode([
            'status' => 'errorconnect',
            'bytes_uploaded' => -1,
    } catch (FileException $e) {
        echo json_encode([
            'status' => 'resume',
            'bytes_uploaded' => 0,
            'upload_key' => '',
} else {
    echo json_encode([
        'status' => 'error',
        'bytes_uploaded' => -1,


public function UploadTus() {
	$client = new \GuzzleHttp\Client(['base_uri'=>'http://dancenote.test/tus', 'debug'=> true);
	// Alert: Sanitize all inputs properly in production code
	if ( ! empty($_FILES)) {
	    $fileMeta  = $_FILES['tus_file'];
	    $uploadKey = hash_file('md5', $fileMeta['tmp_name']);
	    try {
	        $client->setKey($uploadKey)->file($fileMeta['tmp_name'], time() . '_' . $fileMeta['name']);
	        $bytesUploaded = $client->upload(5000000); // Chunk of 5 mb
	        echo json_encode([
	            'status' => 'uploading',
	            'bytes_uploaded' => $bytesUploaded,
	            'upload_key' => $uploadKey
	    } catch (ConnectionException | FileException | TusException $e) {
	        echo json_encode([
	            'status' => 'error',
	            'bytes_uploaded' => -1,
	            'upload_key' => '',
	            'error' => $e->getMessage(),
	} else {
	    echo json_encode([
	        'status' => 'error',
	        'bytes_uploaded' => -1,
	        'error' => 'No input!',


About this issue

  • Original URL
  • State: closed
  • Created 6 years ago
  • Comments: 19 (7 by maintainers)

Most upvoted comments

Forgot to create it. Directory was missing what a fool. It seems to work (pause resume and so on).

Really thank you you’ve been great help !

message | Server error: HEAD http://dancenote.test/files/a885eae6a4904422193a8a7584287c2b resulted in a 500 Internal Server Error response

@alexandrelgy you can find laravel logs in storage/logs. Please check the logs and try to figure out the issue first. We can’t help unless you provide us enough info about the issue.