jira-cli: jira init - 401 Unauthorized

Describe the bug

jira init failing with 401 Unauthorized response. but worked with curl requests using the same API token.


Please provide following details

  1. JiraCLI Version:
    (Version="v1.1.1-0.20220814163226-d993757c939c", GitCommit="", CommitDate="", GoVersion="go1.19", Compiler="gc", Platform="linux/amd64")
  2. Are you using Jira cloud or on-premise jira server? Also mention the version for on-premise installation.
  3. What operating system are you using? Also mention version.
    Void Linux
  4. What terminal are you using? Also mention version.

To Reproduce

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. jira init

Expected behavior

should create config file. Screenshots

Additional context

About this issue

  • Original URL
  • State: closed
  • Created 2 years ago
  • Comments: 22 (6 by maintainers)

Most upvoted comments

great. finally this worked for me. thanks @ankitpokhrel

JIRA_API_TOKEN=<token>  JIRA_AUTH_TYPE=basic jira init --debug

I can confirm this issue on Ubuntu 20.04, supplying the api token inline works; but setting the token via export or bashrc does not.

Hey @akhiljalagam and @viditsi1 ! I had a similar problem but I found out that I made mistake while setting environmental variable. I tried first to add just JIRA_API_ROKEN="xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" to my .bashrc. My --debug init gave similar result than yours. Then after 2 min Google I understood to add command export to the beginning of line. After that I ran command source .bashrc, and voilá, it’s working! So make sure that your .bashrc file has a line like export JIRA_API_ROKEN="xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx". and then run command source .bashrc . I hope it will work! 😃

Thanks. But I always use export in my env files. @jaervei

Hey @akhiljalagam and @viditsi1 ! I had a similar problem but I found out that I made mistake while setting environmental variable. I tried first to add just JIRA_API_ROKEN="xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" to my .bashrc. My --debug init gave similar result than yours. Then after 2 min Google I understood to add command export to the beginning of line. After that I ran command source .bashrc, and voilá, it’s working! So make sure that your .bashrc file has a line like export JIRA_API_ROKEN="xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx". and then run command source .bashrc . I hope it will work! 😃