node-rate-limiter-flexible: Mongodb: Cannot read property 'points' of null at RateLimiterMongo._getRateLimiterRes
There seems to be an issue when using a clustered connection from MongoDB Atlas. I tried the same setup both on a local server and a mongodb Atlas server, there is always an error on the first consume when testing on the Atlas server.
Setup: “MongoDB”: 5.0.6 “Mongoose”: “^6.2.2”, “NodeJS” : 14.18.1
const limiterSlowBruteByIPOps = {
keyPrefix: '',
storeClient: dbConnection,
tableName: 'login_fail_ip_per_day',
points: maxConsecutiveFailsByAccountAndIP,
duration: 60 * 60 * 24 * 90, // Store number for 90 days since first fail
blockDuration: 60 * 60 * 24 * 365 * 20, // Block for infinity after consecutive
When using local server: Localhost
in RatelimiterMongo.js line 14
_getRateLimiterRes(rlKey, changedPoints, result) {
const res = new RateLimiterRes();
let doc;
if (typeof result.value === 'undefined') {
doc = result;
} else {
doc = result.value;
**res.isFirstInDuration = doc.points === changedPoints;**
res.consumedPoints = doc.points;
the result value coming in from the this._collection.findOneAndUpdate on the first consume looks like this
First consume call => no error on localhost
lastErrorObject: {
n: 1,
updatedExisting: false,
upserted: new ObjectId("621feaf6404e93c2a20983d7")
value: {
_id: new ObjectId("621feaf6404e93c2a20983d7"),
key: '::1',
expire: 2022-05-31T22:08:54.769Z,
points: 1
ok: 1
Second consume localhost call => no error on localhost
lastErrorObject: {
n: 1,
updatedExisting: true
value: {
_id: new ObjectId("621fedca404e93c2a20985c4"),
key: '::1',
expire: 2022-05-31T22:20:58.609Z,
points: 2
ok: 1
however, when testing with the mongoDB Cluster I get a different result format generating the error.
MongoDb Cluster
First consume to Atlas cluster always throw error
lastErrorObject: {
n: 1,
updatedExisting: false,
upserted: new ObjectId("621fec0568d6587a94266266")
value: null, // **value here is null and throws error on this line "res.isFirstInDuration = doc.points === changedPoints**;"
ok: 1,
'$clusterTime': {
clusterTime: new Timestamp({ t: 1646259205, i: 3 }),
signature: {
hash: new Binary(Buffer.from("9406443ec068e13b88f3a0f867044c3d4d18afa0", "hex"), 0),
keyId: new Long("7020773886748786690")
operationTime: new Timestamp({ t: 1646259205, i: 3 })
Second consume to Atlas => no error
lastErrorObject: {
n: 1,
updatedExisting: true
value: {
_id: new ObjectId("621fec0568d6587a94266264"),
key: '::1',
expire: 2022-05-31T22:13:26.591Z,
points: 1
ok: 1,
'$clusterTime': {
clusterTime: new Timestamp({ t: 1646259511, i: 4 }),
signature: {
hash: new Binary(Buffer.from("aebd4a7b566496affeb8c2bbb7622add8f84043d", "hex"), 0),
keyId: new Long("7020773886748786690")
operationTime: new Timestamp({ t: 1646259511, i: 4 })
Am I doing this wrong or is there a bug?
About this issue
- Original URL
- State: closed
- Created 2 years ago
- Comments: 19 (8 by maintainers)
This is happening to me when using rate-limiter-flexible (2.3.6), mongoose (6.2.7) and mongo-memory-server (8.4.1). I get the exact same error message, and my solution is the same – downgrading to mongoose 5.X solves the issue. This leads to me to assume this is not an atlas issue specifically.