multi-downloader-nx: [BUG]: CAN'T FETCH VIDEO PLAYLISTS!

Program version


Operating System






Command used

aniDL --service “crunchy” -s GYE5CQP0N -e 14-25 -q 1 --fileName “Kenichi꞉ The Mightiest Disciple - S${season}E${episode}” --dlsubs “all”

Show ID




Console Output

Requesting: [GK9U38MZM] KenIchi: The Mightiest Disciple - 14 - Dedicated Training! Nearby Hot Spring Bath
Selecting raw stream
Full stream found! ( 1: download_hls/jpn/- )
Full stream found! (✓2: multitrack_text_hls/jpn/- )
Downloading video...
Playlists URL:,4169666.mp4,4169667.mp4,4169665.mp4,4169663.mp4,4169664.mp4,.urlset/master.m3u8?Policy=eyJTdGF0ZW1lbnQiOlt7IlJlc291cmNlIjoiaHR0cCo6Ly9wbC5jcnVuY2h5cm9sbC5jb20vZXZzMy84Zjc5MWYxNjIzMWI3NDhlYmMzNDUwZTAwYzdiMWZmMi9hc3NldHMvMzc4NjcxNjdlNjgyODE3OTA2ZTIyNGFjNGE5YzNlOGZfLDQxNjk2NjYubXA0LDQxNjk2NjcubXA0LDQxNjk2NjUubXA0LDQxNjk2NjMubXA0LDQxNjk2NjQubXA0LC51cmxzZXQvbWFzdGVyLm0zdTgiLCJDb25kaXRpb24iOnsiRGF0ZUxlc3NUaGFuIjp7IkFXUzpFcG9jaFRpbWUiOjE3MTA2ODA5OTd9fX1dfQ__&Signature=f9IHBc1lB3WF3WBKTYj4pce38wzdsUGvY1qk~1N2wEe9yWc-ehOQck4MgBmUpvOE964sb4Bvb0TSumUteqDsAR9pA7walb6O5piM7fAW2UpcFIuKiJcS1l0OGIrJWfQvqNK8WMjVAW9C6G9P8KhFJeiZI-w0C~aA1qPlxTtDaDiM9R387TKmEgWjxxb-6imAgL51Gd5MRQZ-kGgICReC-PYtJqpTkdRJXKjR8zHUgn6h6iDvEA7rwOS7UlkQlAE5ZGSWj1B4vbKYnfdnS7VPlC~7eDoMLEA5yq9Ns1NPPS6RrbbIgiuEyVOt6Qvpv2wWlhXQ8~WIJCXFmrfLLaPwtw__&Key-Pair-Id=APKAJMWSQ5S7ZB3MF5VA (multitrack_text_hls/jpn/-)
[ERROR] HTTPError 403: Forbidden
Subtitle downloaded: undefined.01.eng.English.ass
Subtitle downloaded: American Spanish.ass
Subtitle downloaded: undefined.03.por.Brazilian Portuguese.ass
[ERROR] Unable to download selected episode 14

@ E:\Downloader\multi-downloader-nx-4.4.0-cli

Additional Information

I’m getting this error when trying to download anime from Crunchyroll. Could anyone help?

About this issue

  • Original URL
  • State: closed
  • Created 4 months ago
  • Comments: 105 (6 by maintainers)

Most upvoted comments

I saw your post on the issue on crunchy-cli, and wanted to mention you can increase the speed by tweaking various options like -x 2 (uses a different server, many people have said -x 2 is faster for them), or increasing the partsize with --partsize (how many fragments it downloads at once)

As for donations, I appreciate the sentiment but we don’t accept donations

Both of those params worked amazingly, tons faster now. Thank you so much the help, and for the amazing work yall do!

  1. make sure your version is latest.
  2. make sure the two file’s name is device_client_id_blob and device_private_key with no ext name, and put them into mainfolder/.widevine or mainfolder/widevine if you are using gui, or lib/.widevine or lib/widevine if you are using node index.js command from lib dir. if you dont know which dir name is right, create two folders at the same time.
  3. make sure you can type mp4decrypt in terminal without errors.
  4. for cr: add --kstream 5 to your command or kstream: 5 in cli-defaults.yml,
  5. for hidive: make sure each command with --hdapi new, or add hdapi: "new" in cli-defaults.yml.

I am also getting the same issue like this not showing any drm streams could you please elaborate the process

use the latest release.

I believe I fixed this in a commit, but I forgot to push it before I created the pre-release

Is this right?

  └─ .widevine
     └─ device_client_id_blob
     └─ device_private_key

mp4decrypt has been installed and cmd is excutable

EDIT: NVM, it’s in lib directory, it works now.