components: Slide Toggle Doesn't Seem to be working in Alpha 7 Error: Cannot find name 'HammerInput'
I just upgraded to Alpha 7 and after upgrade Slide Toggle seems to be broken.
When I compile my project in Visual Studio 2015 I receive the below errors:
Error Build:Cannot find name 'HammerInput'. node_modules\@angular2-material\slide-toggle\slide-toggle.d.ts 67
Error TS2304 Cannot find name 'HammerInput'. TypeScript Virtual Projects node_modules\@angular2-material\slide-toggle\slide-toggle.d.ts 67
Apparently it seems that the below line is causing the problem in slide-toggle.d.ts:
_onDrag(event: HammerInput): void;
About this issue
- Original URL
- State: closed
- Created 8 years ago
- Comments: 17 (4 by maintainers)
For those finding this issue that have a similar configuration to mine: angular-material: 2.0.0-alpha.7-3 angular-cli: 1.0.0-beta.11-webpack.2
Just doing the following: $ npm install --save hammerjs @types/hammerjs
Was all that was needed. Since my tsconfig.json file contains this line:
"typeRoots": [ "../node_modules/@types" ]
I did not have to make any changes to main.ts
Using angular-cli@latest (webpack)
I added hammerjs
npm install --save hammerjs @types/hammerjs
then on the last line of
I addedimport 'hammerjs';
Install hammerjs and its typings. With alpha7, angular2 rc5, typescript 2.0 and webpack (through angular-cli) this worked for me:
And then
import 'hammerjs'
in your main component.Seems like you didn’t load the
In addition to ctkdev’s solution I had to add hammerjs to the “types” section in tsconfig.json
“types”: [ “jasmine”, “hammerjs” ]
Thank you everyone installing typings through command:
npm install --save hammerjs @types/hammerjs
and then importing it in main file solved the issue.:
/// <reference path="../typings/globals/hammerjs/index.d.ts" />
I guess you didn’t install the typings for
?typings i dt~hammerjs --global --save
I had to use I had to use @ctkdev and @uncledlm and @DevVersion solutions =D
I did the import in polyfills.ts (using angular-cli webpack)
@vapits No worries - glad I could help 😃
I had to use @ctkdev and @uncledlm solutions. Now everything is working fine 👍
@naveedahmed1 installing the typings for HammerJS should resolve this.