components: BUG: mat-chip without mat-chip-list has no styles

Bug, feature request, or proposal:


What is the expected behavior?

<mat-chip> without parent <mat-chip-list> should render the same styles. chip.scss is only injected to the <mat-chip-list> component.

What is the current behavior?

<mat-chip> has no styles.

What are the steps to reproduce?

add <mat-chip> to template without <mat-chip-list> stackblitz

What is the use-case or motivation for changing an existing behavior?

i dont want to add the <mat-chip-list> if i render only one chip

Which versions of Angular, Material, OS, TypeScript, browsers are affected?

angular: 5.2.2 material: 5.1.0 typescript: 2.6.2 os: * browsers: *

Is there anything else we should know?

About this issue

  • Original URL
  • State: closed
  • Created 6 years ago
  • Reactions: 51
  • Comments: 28 (5 by maintainers)

Most upvoted comments

I have just encountered this “bug”/“design flaw”. I was about to write an issue:

  • Here is a STACKBLITZ
  • In stackblitz look at the solution in the comment.


  • place an empty <mat-chip-list></mat-chip-list> somewhere in your template. Then you can use mat-chips as stand-alones.

Weird thing is, when adding a mat-chip-list, it works correctly for all mat-chips.

2 years passed and still no fix! This is really weird, it needs some attention.

I still can’t believe this issue is open after 2 years

Facing the same issue, adding <mat-chip-list></mat-chip-list> in template fixed it however it’s a real time waste for a lot of people who encounter this problem for the first time. If it’s not gonna be fixed then I will suggest it will be better to at least add an error message about <mat-chip-list> being a required parent for mat-chip

Bug sitting around for almost 4 years. Not sure if I should be impressed or disappointed.

Just spent a few hours today chasing this issue down. This should move up a bit in priority, this is poor design.

@andreElrico Thanks, had to place a random mat-chip-list in a template for everything to work.

this needs to be resolved ASAP, I mean its 2020 and Angular material bugs still exists 😦

This is happening because the mat-chip is a directive and without a view does not load styles or styleUrls. Once mat-chip-list is loaded, the chips styling is loaded and will be applied to all things it matches via css.

2023-10-11 and still not fixed

The irony of myself not fixing open source code is not lost on me.

Is this still a thing after all these years omg 🗡️

Having the same issue, any update?

I have just encountered this “bug”/“design flaw”. I was about to write an issue:

  • Here is a STACKBLITZ
  • In stackblitz look at the solution in the comment.


  • place an empty <mat-chip-list></mat-chip-list> somewhere in your template. Then you can use mat-chips as stand-alones.

Thanks m8… did this too… They really dropped the ball on this one

@striky1 The colors only appear when the selected property is set on the map-chip.

As far as I can tell this is fixed. See The issue can be reopened if there’s a repro.

2022-07-22 and still not fixed