angular: [src] attribute the first time it calls to an undefined endpoint

GET http://localhost:8080/undefined 404 (Not Found)

<img [src]="data.avatar_url" width="100" height="100"/> = {};
http.get('').toRx().map(res => res.json()).subscribe(response => = response);

About this issue

  • Original URL
  • State: closed
  • Created 9 years ago
  • Comments: 23 (15 by maintainers)

Most upvoted comments

The solutions above did not work for me for this situation:

[src]='getImageUrl() | async'

before the promise is resolved, I have a momentarily null value that causes the request to be triggered anyway. The solution that worked for me and can easily cover the above scenarios too is:

[attr.src]='getImageUrl() | async'

I mentioned this subtlety in this issue (for me it was making /null requests) the current workaround is || '' so

<img [src]="data.avatar_url || '' " width="100" height="100">

or default the initial avatar_url value to empty string (probably a good idea anyways).

I would say if interpolation gets to have a default case of empty string then [src] should as well. Here’s my code

  <img [src]="(model?.getValue('boxshot') | async) || '' ">

So, I’ve just tested how this behaves in Chrome without Angular. Executing this code in the console:

var imgEl = document.createElement('img');

imgEl.src; // outputs ""

imgEl.src = undefined; //triggers 
imgEl.src = null; //triggers

imgEl.src = ""; //no request triggered

So, looking at the above it seems like browsers (or at least Chrome) will do “to string” conversion for null \ undefined. Now, I find this behavior debatable, maybe it makes sense to file an issue for this?

In any case the work-around is simple: initialize data with an empty string ( = {avatar_url: ''};) or write a custom pipe to do null / undefined to string conversion (<img [src]="data.avatar_url | tostring") or just use a conditional exp: <img [src]="data.avatar_url ? data.avatar_url : ''">