angular: Property 'controls' does not exist on type 'AbstractControl'
I’m submitting a
[x] bug report
Current behavior
As there’s no clean access to the FormGroup
’ controls, currently there’s a ng build -prod
error related to types when you try to access the .controls
property, and AbstractControl
does not have that property:
ERROR in ng:///path/to/app/my/custom.component.html (7,10): Property 'controls' does not exist on type 'AbstractControl'.
where I have a form with subgroups like:
this.inputForm ={
monthly: [
'', Validators.compose([Validators.required, Validators.pattern(regInt)])
and perform template-driven validations per row like:
<div class="form-group row" [ngClass]="{'has-danger': inputForm.controls.base.controls.monthly.dirty && !inputForm.controls.base.controls.monthly.valid}">
<label class="col-4 col-form-label" for="inp-monthly">
Monthly Expenses
<div class="col-8">
<div class="input-group">
<span class="input-group-addon" id="inp-monthly-s">$</span>
<input class="form-control" id="inp-monthly" formControlName="monthly" aria-describedby="inp-monthly-s"
type="number" min="1" placeholder="Add up all your costs (rent, salary, telephone, internet, inventory costs, etc)" />
<div class="form-control-feedback" [hidden]="inputForm.controls.base.controls.monthly.pristine || inputForm.controls.base.controls.monthly.valid">
Please enter a quantity.
Expected behavior
ng build -prod
to compile without Type errors.
Minimal reproduction of the problem with instructions References to this issue are in this ticket:
- Angular version: 4.0.1 Project built with angular/cli 4.0.0 but packages updated today to 4.0.1
About this issue
- Original URL
- State: closed
- Created 7 years ago
- Comments: 16 (2 by maintainers)
@matheo thanks.
return type is{[key: string]: AbstractControl}
will returnAbstractControl
. This is why you got an a workaround use
I have nested arrays in the same forms, this doesn’t work from me . why it should run on dev and after 2 weeks of development we get this error ?
I’d have to say that @DzmitryShylovich 's workaround for AbstractControl doesn’t work anymore with 4.0.2. I just think that validation for template on dynamic values is totally wrong even for aot, as there is no way to cast a value in template. Please add casting to template or shut that feature off.
Well, issue is closed, but anyway,
as FormGroup
is the key:Angular 4.4.3
If you omit
as FormGroup
it will work on development and will not throw any errors. But if you runng build
it will throw you this topic’s error message and stops the build.Yeah @itsnotvalid is right @DzmitryShylovich 's solution doesn’t work for me. But I found a way, just reference the formArray in typescript:
Then just use
*ngFor="let form of formArray.controls
this way you don’t need casting anymore@matheo, I meant the “please don’t comment on closed issue.”. It’s difficult enough to follow the angular development here, but if you use the issue-tracker as kind of “chat-support-system”, then things become very difficult.
If you are not sure if something is a bug or not, or if you have questions, there are other resources to ask for help:
@matheo , @DzmitryShylovich: maybe you want to exchange some cooking-recipes, too?
result$: BehaviorSubject<ResultState> = new BehaviorSubject<ResultState>(initialResult);