angular: getUserMedia and RTCPeerConnection gives problems in iOS 11.2.5 on Safari
Same WebRTC app with Angular (and zone.js patches) gives problems, without Angular no problem.
I am not sure if this is really zone.js related to be honest. When I read all the stuff I found here, I think it is. I miss the knowledge with zone.js to really investigate this, so hopefully you can help me.
I forked @benbro app from this issue. Then pc.component.html
added playsinline
to support Safari:
<video #localVideo playsinline autoplay muted></video>
<video #remoteVideo playsinline autoplay></video>
Upgraded zone.js
0.8.18 -> 0.8.20 and polyfills.ts
added patches:
// rtc peer connection patch
import 'zone.js/dist/webapis-rtc-peer-connection';
// getUserMedia patch
import 'zone.js/dist/zone-patch-user-media';
Tested this app in iOS Safari (version 11.2.5) on a iPhone 6 (A1586) and iPad mini 2 (A1489).
In both situations this is the behaviour:
The ‘Start’ button works fine. When I give permission localStream is visible. After the ‘Call’ button is pressed the localStream freezes. The remoteStream is visible normal. No error messages in the console.
When I use the same on plain html and javascript no freezes of localStream occurs:
This Plunker is the same as but with playsinline
About this issue
- Original URL
- State: closed
- Created 6 years ago
- Reactions: 1
- Comments: 30 (15 by maintainers)
Im facing the same issue described here where I can publish my video but not subscribe with using
in Safari. Outside of Angular it works fine, and in Chrome and Firefox too.Adding polyfill
works but I wonder what is the problem and if this could be solved 2 years later? Also what is thezone.js/dist/zone-patch-user-media
for? I did not have any other problems.Version:
@hermanfransen , I will check this one this weekend.