angular-cli: webpack AOT @ngtools throws error
While doing AOT bundle Results below error at file path
d:\xyz\angular2-lazyr\node_modules@ngtools\webpack\src\plugin.js:167 if (request.request.match(/.ts$/)) { ^
// Virtual file system.
compiler.resolvers.normal.plugin('resolve', function (request, cb) {
if (request.request.match(/\.ts$/)) {
_this.done.then(function () { return cb(); });
else {
Below is AOT webpack config
plugins: require('./../webpack/plugins').concat([
new ngtools.AotPlugin({
tsConfigPath: helpers.root('tsconfig.aot.json'),
entryModule: helpers.root('src/app/app.module#AppModule')
About this issue
- Original URL
- State: closed
- Created 8 years ago
- Comments: 19 (2 by maintainers)
Having the same issue using webpack 2.2.0-rc.1
This is with
and here is the stack trace:Same error with with webpack 2.2.0 final, @ngtools/wepback 1.2.1.
Same thing for “webpack”: “^2.2.0-rc.4” and “@ngtools/webpack”: “^1.2.1”.
When we can expect our ‘christmas present’? 👍
Having the same problem using the following versions:
I’m getting the same issue with Webpack R.C.3. As a temporally solution I cloned the angular-cli repo and ran a local build then copied @ng-tools and pasted on my node_modules folder, that fixed the problem. But I was expecting to see a smaller size of the app.js and actually it is heavier. Is this ok?
Thank you for your answer. Any possible date for new release 😃?
Having same problem as @jpgcode with Webpack 2.2.0-rc.3, why is this closed?
this is not issue with webpack 2, it is with “webpack”: “1.13.0”,