angular-cli: Using @ngtools/webpack with ContextReplacementPlugin plugin does not create lazy routes chunks


Ubuntu 16.04


@ngtools/webpack - 1.2.7

Repro steps.

plugins: [
  new webpack.ContextReplacementPlugin(
  • run build npm run build
  • no chunks for lazy routes in dist folder
  • comment out ContextReplacementPlugin in plugins, build, chunks created

Mention any other details that might be useful.

this check never passes with ContextReplacementPlugin usage


About this issue

  • Original URL
  • State: closed
  • Created 7 years ago
  • Reactions: 10
  • Comments: 21 (2 by maintainers)

Commits related to this issue

Most upvoted comments

I have the same problem with version 1.3.1. Any news on this?

Perhaps this should be a separate issue, will leave here for now. The plugin ("@ngtools/webpack": "^1.2.11") also silently fails to generate lazyload routes when using the webpack html-loader. Also facing same issues with ContextReplacement & CommonsChunk plugin.

Added repo where both issues can be reproduced

App contains 3 modules

  • main AppModule that imports SharedModule
  • lazy loaded FeatureModule that also imports SharedModule
  • SharedModule with commonly used component

For proper work there should be 3 bundles in ./dist folder on npm run build command

  • vendor.js with all common libs (angular, corejs)
  • main.js with AppModule and SharedModule
  • 0.js chunk with only FeatureModule

ContextReplacementPlugin issue

Uncomment this and after npm run build there will be no chunks generated in dist folder

CommonsChunkPlugin issue

Run build as it is and see that 0.js chunk also contains SharedModule. Change plugin options like so

        new webpack.optimize.CommonsChunkPlugin({
            name: [ 'main' ]

and 0.js chunk propely contains only FeatureModule, but main.js holds all app libs that should be in vendor.js

@sumitarora all in all, I must say I’m not sure the two issues are really duplicate. Others here are reporting that they cannot build when commenting out that replacement plugin, while I can. Also, we don’t even know if they share the same steps (e.g. does build fail? Does opening page fail? Does browsing to lazy module fail?) and the same stacktrace.

Just my 2c
