mongox: Possible error in the return of the update method

I have been creating the update_or_create method based on the get_or_create and update methods, doing some tests I found a possible bug in the update method.

in the database I have the following data.

    "name": "Venom",
    "year": 2023
    "name": "Venom2",
    "year": 2021

and when executing the next query Movie.query({ "Venom"}).update({Movie.year: 2021}), what I would expect is for the method to return

    "name": "Venom",
    "year": 2021

But what it returns is

    "name": "Venom",
    "year": 2021
    "name": "Venom2",
    "year": 2021

Is this a bug or is expected to happen?

About this issue

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  • State: closed
  • Created 2 years ago
  • Comments: 16 (16 by maintainers)

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Yeah perfect. Thanks

Issue resolved #29

Great, Thank you @MAD-py

I get your point now. Maybe we need to fix that in a separate PR? Probably we can fix update in a PR when we add test in the update case as you explained. I see the current test we have for update is not testing that

but it would be more like this

movies = await Movie.query({Movie.year: 1990}).update({Movie.year: 2000})

and if we want to update more fields it would be

movies = await Movie.query({Movie.year: 1990}).update({Movie.year: 2000, "Venom"})

if what we want is to be able to pass field to field it would be

movies = await Movie.query({Movie.year: 1990}).update(year=2000, name=Venom)

but for this we must use is **kwargs

Of course, today is difficult for me, but I will take a look at it in the next few days.

I agree this is not expected, I think this is a bug. Will you be able to take a look?