vosk-server: Jitsi meet, duplicate strings

Hi there,

I’ve hooked up vosk-server with jitsi-meet to transcribe my meetings. The issue I’m having is that I’m getting duplicate lines. See the below transcription:

Transcript of conference held at Jan 25, 2021 in room roomname@conference.meet.domain.com
Initial people present at 9:08:30 PM:

Transcript, started at 9:08:30 PM:
<9:08:30 PM> User: joined the conference
<9:08:34 PM> User: testing 
<9:08:34 PM> User: testing testing 
<9:08:38 PM> User: hello 
<9:08:39 PM> User: hello this is 
<9:08:39 PM> User: hello this is user
<9:08:45 PM> User: why are you 
<9:08:45 PM> User: why are you doubling my 
<9:08:46 PM> User: why are you doubling my speech 
<9:08:51 PM> User left the conference

End of transcript at Jan 25, 2021 9:08:53 PM

Is this a problem with vosk or a problem with the jitsi-meet client not sending some sort of command to end the stream and then return the text?

About this issue

  • Original URL
  • State: open
  • Created 3 years ago
  • Comments: 28 (9 by maintainers)

Most upvoted comments

following it would be a great solution

@nshmyrev If you have any ideas for how to improve the handling of partial results I am more than happy to test them out.

Given https://github.com/jitsi/jigasi/pull/344 is merged, this should be fixed. Thank you @88fingerslukee

For new problems like exceptions please open new issues.

Closing this.

You bet. I’ll put my settings here on Monday when I have a chance.
