allure2: Bintray 403 forbidden

Can’t install with brew install allure

$ brew install allure
==> Downloading

curl: (22) The requested URL returned error: 403 Forbidden
Error: Failed to download resource "allure"
Download failed:

Same result trying download zip via Browser

About this issue

  • Original URL
  • State: closed
  • Created 6 years ago
  • Reactions: 13
  • Comments: 41 (18 by maintainers)

Commits related to this issue

Most upvoted comments

Gradle workaround

allure {
    autoconfigure = true
    downloadLink = ""

Jenkins workaround

  1. Open Jenkins Configuration.
  2. Open Jenkins Global Tool Configuration (https://<jenkins>/configureTools/)
  3. Use the following url in settings below:
2018-08-30 10 15 44

The reason Allure Maven plugin downloads zip distribution instead of using maven dependency is that we want to have same protocol for every integration. So you can generate the report in the same way no matter are you using Maven/Gradle/Command line directly or Jenkins/TeamCity/Bamboo.

At the moment the main problem is that some integrations are not using cache for downloaded tool (for example thats how Jenkins works, it downloads tools to agent directly from bintray instead of master node)

The second problem is that bintray was the single place where allure command line was stored. So in order to restore allure distributions to other place we have to manually rebuild few latest releases and store them to Github releases page.

And finally there are definitely a documentation lack for such cases (how to configure the integrations to download command line from different url)

So the resolution is:

  1. We will store Allure Command line in Github Releases as well as in bintray
  2. We will improve caching mechanisms for Jenkins and other integrations
  3. We will update the docs with detailed instruction how to make builds that uses Allure failure tolerant

Maven workaround


we successfully moved to Maven Central

During next week we are going to update integrations to use new location of command line

Bintray is alive 👍

Regarding old releases, following docs:

 * (older releases, <= 2.8.0) Download the desired version as zip archive from link:[bintray].

However, it is Forbidden, check the link:

Scoop has been updated to use GitHub releases for Windows users.

We are experiencing issues with our Bintray account once again. Our team working on the problem at the moment, but I’d recommend for everyone switch from Bintray to Github releases:

Allure Maven plugin


Allure Gradle Plugin

allure {
    version = '2.7.0'
    downloadLink = ''

Allure Jenkins Plugin

  • Go to Global tools configuration ( ),
  • Navigate to Allure Commandline section
  • Choose Add installer, select Extract from zip archive,
  • Paste url
screen shot 2018-09-29 at 15 53 19 screen shot 2018-09-29 at 15 53 30

I’d recommend to use pattern instead direct link:


@eroshenkoam for maven - works only if <allureDownloadUrl></allureDownloadUrl>



@hks225 you need to delete default installer From Maven Central