goaccess: Docker-compose : Goaccess cannot find log

Hi there,

Can’t find why this is not working.

If i uncomment the command part for goaccess in my docker-compose file i get this error below :

Parsing... [719821] [31296/s][0/s]
goaccess    | GoAccess - version 1.3 - Jul  3 2019 12:51:29
goaccess    | Config file: /srv/data/goaccess.conf
goaccess    | 
goaccess    | Fatal error has occurred
goaccess    | Error occurred at: src/parser.c - read_log - 2728
goaccess    | Unable to open the specified log file. No such file or directory
goaccess    | 

If I keep it commented (like I saw @coldfix was doing here https://github.com/allinurl/goaccess/issues/1042#issuecomment-371940111), I get the man goaccess displayed ^^.

Here’s my docker-compose (simplified, removed completely unrelated stuff) :

version: '3.5'

    container_name: nginx
    image: nginx:alpine
      - 80:80
      - 443:443
      - ${PWD}/nginx/nginx.conf:/etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf
      - ${PWD}/nginx/logs:/var/log/nginx
      - doyouno-api
      - goaccess
      - nginx-network

    hostname: api
    container_name: doyouno-api
      - 2000:2000
      - ${PWD}/doyouno-api/logs:/api/src/logs
      - ${PWD}/doyouno-api/creds:/api/src/creds
    env_file: .env.api
    restart: always
      - nginx-network

    image: ${DOYOUNO_REGISTRY_URL}/allinurl/goaccess:${GOACCESS_VERSION}
    hostname: goaccess
    container_name: goaccess
      - 7890:7890
      - ${PWD}/goaccess/html:/srv/report:rw
      - ${PWD}/nginx/logs:/srv/logs:ro
      - ${PWD}/goaccess/data:/srv/data:ro
      - doyouno-api
    restart: always
    #command: goaccess /srv/logs/goaccess.log --config-file=/srv/data/goaccess.conf --output=/srv/report/index.html --log-file=/srv/logs/goaccess.log --real-time-html
      - nginx-network

    driver: bridge
    name: nginx-network

I don’t really know how to show you my folder structure, here’s a screen eventhough we don’t see everything. Let me know if need more infos (folder/files permissions for example). Capture d’écran 2019-07-04 à 14 58 10

Best regards (and thanks for this awesome project)

About this issue

  • Original URL
  • State: closed
  • Created 5 years ago
  • Comments: 30 (21 by maintainers)

Most upvoted comments

The following configuration work:

version: '3'

    image: allinurl/goaccess
      - 7890:7890
      - ./goaccess/config:/srv/config
      - ./goaccess/data:/srv/data
      - ./goaccess/html:/srv/report
      - /var/log/nginx:/srv/logs
    command: ["--no-global-config", "--config-file=/srv/config/goaccess.conf", "--log-file=/srv/logs/access.log"]

My configuration(goaccess.conf) file is in ./goaccess/config.

At least need to be set in goaccess.conf: eg. my conf (nginx):

time-format %H:%M:%S
date-format %d/%b/%Y
log-format COMBINED
real-time-html true
output /srv/report/index.html

Can input HTML file, but can’t preview in real time, access error, http status code is 400, how do you configure it? I configured ws-url, it still doesn’t work ws-url work

@rachid-debu thank you 🎉 that works with the latest Dockerfile

@Nykoshiro yes it does work. At first it was not working because the websocket tunnel didn’t work but It now works. Detail a bit your configuration, maybe I can help. Are you using a nginx server ? What’s your conf ?

I was able to finally get GoAccess running referencing @rachid-debu compose config. Take away notes:

a) the docker documentation now conflicts with current config of GoAccess (/GoAccess/) volumes; previously it created /srv/{data,logs,report} volumes. Can /GoAccess/{data,logs,report} be added?

b) unless there is a way for Docker Compose to create directories (e.g. /GoAccess/{data,logs,report}) then there is a manual effort to create these paths but only after configuring GA to a temp path? or I’m forced to use a single volume (see new compose config below) and rework all my other containers to point to the new ‘shared’ GoAccess path

version: "3.7"

#Docker for Windows (Linux Containers)

        image: allinurl/goaccess
        container_name: goaccess
          - mybridge
          #- PUID=1000
          #- PGID=1000
          - TZ=America/Los_Angeles
          #- /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock
          #  GoAccess Bind Mounts prior to 5/12
          #- c:/docker/goaccess/data:/srv/data
          #- c:/docker/webserver/sites/goaccess/:/srv/report
          #- c:/docker/shared/variouslogs:/srv/logs
          #  GoAccess Bind Mount after 5/12
          - c:/docker/shared/goaccess:/goaccess:rw
          goaccess --config-file=/goaccess/goaccess.conf --output=/goaccess/index.html --log-file=/goaccess/access.log --real-time-html
        #  - 7890:7890
        restart: always
        driver: bridge

@allinurl @err931 I can, give me a bit and I’ll let you guys know as soon as I can.

I may just not understand the new changes to the DockerFile but the documentation references /srv/{data,logs,report} volumes, the rewrite of the DockerFile on 5/12 removes those volumes and sets /var/www/goaccess. The latest change is still only referencing the /var/www/goaccess volume, so I’m assuming it still isn’t fixed?

I’m learning this stuff as I go so be patient if I don’t understand what I’m talking about or the changes… I’ll still give the container a shot as soon as I have a few minutes.

@allinurl #1507 It has been merged, but the image of Docker Hub has not been rebuilt.

@rachid-debu Therefore, you can simply replace allinurl/goaccess with gam2046/goaccess to confirm whether the same problem still exists. (This problem has nothing to do with GeoIP, ignore it.)

It seems that this problem is caused by wrong permissions or paths. Therefore, you can enter the container(docker exec -it <container-name-or-id> /bin/sh or docker-compose exec <container-name> /bin/sh) to check whether the files in the /srv/logs directory are correct.

  • busybox whoami (in container)
  • ls -lah /srv/logs (in container)
  • cat /srv/logs/access.log (in container)