jarvis: Microsoft Azure API is not working
Hi, I can not speak french but i managed to translate some of the french issues about Azure and tried to implement the Azure Speech API.
- I am able to call jarvis via Snowboy
- I can say my command (in german)
- Azure understands it and replys a json
But Jarvis can not work with its reply
What am I doing wrong?
What jarvis tells me
“Hilfe” means Help and I tried to open a help dialog
~/jarvis/stt_engines/bing $ jarvis
------------ Config ------------
jv_branch master
jv_arch armv7l
jv_os_name raspbian
jv_os_version 9
language de_DE
play_hw hw:0,1
rec_hw hw:1,0
speaker ALSA
microphone C-Media Electronics, Inc.
recorder sox
trigger_stt snowboy
command_stt bing
tts_engine svox_pico
DEBUG: program_startup hook
DEBUG: start_speaking hook "Hallo! Guten Tag!"
neo: Hallo! Guten Tag!
DEBUG: stop_speaking hook
Use "?" to display possible commands (in keyboard mode)
neo: Waiting to hear 'neo'
Stroke: (listening...)
DEBUG: models=neo
INFO:snowboy:Ticks: [2, 20, 5, -1]
INFO:snowboy:Keyword 1 detected at time: 2018-12-07 16:29:02
INFO:snowboy:Ticks status: 2 1 0 1
DEBUG: modelid=0
DEBUG: entering_cmd hook
DEBUG: start_speaking hook "Ja?"
neo: Ja?
DEBUG: stop_speaking hook
Stroke: (listening...)
DEBUG: goin in bin_STT()
DEBUG: start_listening hook
utils/timeout.sh 10 rec -V1 -q -r 16000 -c 1 -b 16 -e signed-integer --endian little /dev/shm/jarvis-record.wav gain 15 silence 1 0.1 2.1% 1 0.5 2.1% pad 0.5 0.5 trim 0 5
DEBUG: speech duration was 25 (10 = 1 sec)
DEBUG: stop_listening hook
DEBUG: curl https://westeurope.stt.speech.microsoft.com/speech/recognition/conversation/cognitiveservices/v1?language=de-DE&format=detailed
DEBUG: json={"RecognitionStatus":"Success","Offset":8500000,"Duration":8100000,"NBest":[{"Confidence":0.90541613101959229,"Lexical":"hilfe","ITN":"Hilfe","MaskedITN":"Hilfe","Display":"Hilfe."}]}
DEBUG: status=Success
DEBUG: forder=/dev/shm/jarvis-order
DEBUG: path=Hilfe
stt_engines/bing/main.sh: line 69: Hilfe: command not found
DEBUG: goin in bin_STT()
DEBUG: start_listening hook
utils/timeout.sh 10 rec -V1 -q -r 16000 -c 1 -b 16 -e signed-integer --endian little /dev/shm/jarvis-record.wav gain 15 silence 1 0.1 2.1% 1 0.5 2.1% pad 0.5 0.5 trim 0 5
DEBUG: speech duration was 17 (10 = 1 sec)
DEBUG: stop_listening hook
DEBUG: curl https://westeurope.stt.speech.microsoft.com/speech/recognition/conversation/cognitiveservices/v1?language=de-DE&format=detailed
DEBUG: json={"RecognitionStatus":"InitialSilenceTimeout","Offset":50000000,"Duration":0}
DEBUG: status=InitialSilenceTimeout
DEBUG: goin in bin_STT()
DEBUG: start_listening hook
utils/timeout.sh 10 rec -V1 -q -r 16000 -c 1 -b 16 -e signed-integer --endian little /dev/shm/jarvis-record.wav gain 15 silence 1 0.1 2.1% 1 0.5 2.1% pad 0.5 0.5 trim 0 5
DEBUG: speech duration was 12 (10 = 1 sec)
DEBUG: stop_listening hook
DEBUG: curl https://westeurope.stt.speech.microsoft.com/speech/recognition/conversation/cognitiveservices/v1?language=de-DE&format=detailed
DEBUG: json={"RecognitionStatus":"InitialSilenceTimeout","Offset":50000000,"Duration":0}
DEBUG: status=InitialSilenceTimeout
?DEBUG: 3 attempts failed, end of conversation
DEBUG: exiting_cmd hook
neo: Waiting to hear 'neo'
Stroke: (listening...)
DEBUG: models=neo
INFO:snowboy:Ticks: [2, 20, 5, -1]
INFO:snowboy:Keyword 1 detected at time: 2018-12-07 16:29:21
INFO:snowboy:Keyword 1 detected at time: 2018-12-07 16:29:28
DEBUG: program_exit hook
What my jarvis/stt_engines/bin/main.sh file looks like
touch /tmp/jarvis_bing_token # initiate if don't exist
touch /tmp/jarvis_bing_expires # initiate if don't exist
_bing_transcribe () {
if [ -z "$bing_speech_api_key" ]; then
echo "" # new line
jv_error "ERROR: missing bing speech api key"
jv_warning "HELP: define bing key in Settings > Voice recognition"
exit 1 # TODO doesn't really exit because launched with & forjv_spinner
stt_bing_token="`cat /tmp/jarvis_bing_token`"
stt_bing_expires="`cat /tmp/jarvis_bing_expires`"
if [ -z "$stt_bing_expires" ] || [ "$stt_bing_expires" -lt "`date +%s`" ]; then
$verbose && jv_debug "DEBUG: token missing or expired"
# https://github.com/alexylem/jarvis/issues/145
local json=`curl -v -X POST "https://westeurope.api.cognitive.microsoft.com/sts/v1.0/issueToken" \
-H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" \
-H "Content-Length: 0" \
-H "Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key: $bing_speech_api_key" \
$verbose && jv_debug "DEBUG: json=$json"
local error=`echo $json | perl -lne 'print $1 if m{"message": "([^"]*)"}'`
if [ -n "$error" ]; then
jv_error "ERROR: $error"
exit 1
echo $stt_bing_token > /tmp/jarvis_bing_token
# TODO expiration date not provided anymore by bing, what to use?
#local expires_in=`echo $json | perl -lne 'print $1 if m{"expires_in":"([^"]*)"}'`
local expires_in=$(( 10 * 60 )) # 10 mins
stt_bing_expires=`echo $(( $(date +%s) + $expires_in - 10 ))` # -10 to compensate webservice call duration
echo $stt_bing_expires > /tmp/jarvis_bing_expires
$verbose && jv_debug "DEBUG: token will expire in $(( $stt_bing_expires - `date +%s` )) seconds"
[[ $OSTYPE = darwin* ]] && uuid=$(uuidgen) || uuid=$(cat /proc/sys/kernel/random/uuid)
local request="https://westeurope.stt.speech.microsoft.com/speech/recognition/conversation/cognitiveservices/v1?"
$verbose && jv_debug "DEBUG: curl $request"
# don't use local or else $? will not work
json=`curl "$request" \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Type: audio/wav; codec=audio/pcm; samplerate=16000" \
-H "Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key: $bing_speech_api_key" \
-H "Host: westeurope.stt.speech.microsoft.com" \
-H "Transfer-Encoding: chunked" \
--data-binary "@$audiofile" \
--silent --fail`
if (( $? )); then
jv_error "ERROR: bing recognition curl failed"
exit 1
$verbose && jv_debug "DEBUG: json=$json"
local status=`echo $json | perl -lne 'print $1 if m{"RecognitionStatus":"([^"]*)"}'`
$verbose && jv_debug "DEBUG: status=$status"
if [ "$status" = "Success" ]; then
$verbose && jv_debug "DEBUG: forder=$forder"
local path=`echo $json | perl -lne 'print $1 if m{"ITN":"([^"]*)"}'`
$verbose && jv_debug "DEBUG: path=$path"
$path > $forder
# Internal: Speech To Text function for Bing
# Return value: none
# Return code: 0 if success
bing_STT () {
$verbose && jv_debug "DEBUG: goin in bin_STT()"
LISTEN $audiofile || return $?
_bing_transcribe &
jv_spinner $!
return $? # return code of _bing_transcribe
Thanks for helping me!!
About this issue
- Original URL
- State: closed
- Created 6 years ago
- Comments: 21
@Oliv4945 I tested it very quickly yesterday with the modification you suggested. I just changed the language line 45, and it seems to work properly
In my case it really helped since I was not able to get rid of “invalid subscription key” error message while calling the new Azure API. With this code, no problem anymore. Thank you
Thats nice!! I will be home at tuesday. So, i can upload my file and post it here! Perhaps it can help you @Oliv4945 , @Potjoe-97 or somebody who reads this post!