SonoffLAN: Home Assistant 2022.4.0b0 - Unable to prepare setup for platform Platform not found

Since Home Assistant 2022.4.0b0, the Sonoff integration is failing to load. The error message is the following:

Logger: homeassistant.setup
First occurred: 18:58:36 (3 occurrences)
Last logged: 18:58:41

Unable to prepare setup for platform Platform not found (cannot import name 'SPEED_LOW' from '' (/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/fan/

It was working fine with the latest non-beta version of Home Assistant (2022.3.8). I run a supervised install. The functional impact is that my fans are not working at the moment.

About this issue

  • Original URL
  • State: closed
  • Created 2 years ago
  • Reactions: 2
  • Comments: 40 (3 by maintainers)

Most upvoted comments

Now for me it worked

  • I updated the SmartIR in Hacs
  • -restarted *It has the code provided above.

All 3 iFan03 working fine.

Hi - Not sure why im getting this issue. Is there anything to add in

Logger: homeassistant.setup Source: First occurred: 11:59:44 AM (3 occurrences) Last logged: 11:59:44 AM

Unable to prepare setup for platform Platform not found (cannot import name ‘EWeLinkEntity’ from ‘custom_components.sonoff.sonoff_main’ (/config/custom_components/sonoff/

Thanks in advance!

This is not very properly. This is just fast solution. Your solution also great. My solution with diffuser is bad. But it is quick. I hope I will fix all problems in 2nd version.

It doesn’t work for me when using a diffuser.

Logger: homeassistant.setup
First occurred: 21:19:20 (1 occurrences)
Last logged: 21:19:20

Unable to prepare setup for platform Platform not found (cannot import name 'EWeLinkEntity' from 'custom_components.sonoff.sonoff_main' (/config/custom_components/sonoff/

Try the new version in my fork…

Sure 😃

import asyncio
import json
import logging
import os
import time
from typing import Optional, List, Callable

from aiohttp import ClientSession
from homeassistant.const import ATTR_BATTERY_LEVEL, MAJOR_VERSION, \

from .sonoff_cloud import EWeLinkCloud
from .sonoff_local import EWeLinkLocal

_LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

ATTRS = ('local', 'cloud', 'rssi', 'humidity', 'temperature', 'power',
         'current', 'voltage', 'consumption', 'water', ATTR_BATTERY_LEVEL)

def load_cache(filename: str):
    """Load device list from file."""
    if os.path.isfile(filename):
            with open(filename, 'rt', encoding='utf-8') as f:
                return json.load(f)
            _LOGGER.error("Can't read cache file.")
    return None

def save_cache(filename: str, data: dict):
    """Save device list to file."""
    with open(filename, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
        json.dump(data, f, ensure_ascii=False, separators=(',', ':'))

def get_attrs(state: dict) -> dict:
    return {k: state[k] for k in ATTRS if k in state}

class EWeLinkRegistry:
      params: dict, init state
      uiid: Union[int, str], cloud or local type (strip, plug, light, rf)
      extra: dict, device manufacturer and model
      online: bool, cloud online state
      host: str, local IP (local online state)
      handlers: list, update handlers
    devices: Optional[dict] = None

    # for bulk send switches command
    bulk_params = {}

    def __init__(self, session: ClientSession): = EWeLinkCloud(session)
        self.local = EWeLinkLocal(session)

    def _registry_handler(self, deviceid: str, state: dict, sequence: str):
        """Feedback from local and cloud connections

        :param deviceid: example `1000abcdefg`
        :param state: example `{'switch': 'on'}`
        :param sequence: message serial number to verify uniqueness
        device: dict = self.devices.get(deviceid)
        if not device:
            _LOGGER.warning(f"Unknown deviceid: {deviceid}")

        # skip update with same sequence (from cloud and local or from local)
        if sequence:
            sequence = int(sequence)
            ts = time.time()
            # skip same and lower sequence in last 10 seconds
            if ('seq' in device and ts - device['seq_ts'] < 10 and
                    sequence <= device['seq']):
                _LOGGER.debug("Skip update with same sequence")
            device['seq'] = sequence
            device['seq_ts'] = ts

        # check when cloud offline first time
        if state.get('cloud') == 'offline' and device.get('host'):
            coro = self.local.check_offline(deviceid)

        if 'handlers' in device:
            # TODO: right place?
            device['available'] = device.get('online') or device.get('host')

            attrs = get_attrs(state)
                for handler in device['handlers']:
                    handler(state, attrs)
            except Exception as e:
                _LOGGER.exception(f"Registry update error: {e}")

    def concat_devices(self, newdevices: dict):
        """Concat current device list with new device list."""
        if self.devices:
            for deviceid, devicecfg in newdevices.items():
                if deviceid in self.devices:
                    self.devices[deviceid] = devicecfg

            self.devices = newdevices

    def cache_load_devices(self, cachefile: str):
        """Load devices from cache."""
        self.devices = load_cache(cachefile)

    async def cloud_login(self, username: str, password: str):
        return await, password)

    async def cloud_load_devices(self, cachefile: str = None):
        """Load devices list from Cloud Servers."""
        newdevices = await
        if newdevices is not None:
            newdevices = {p['deviceid']: p for p in newdevices}
            if cachefile:
                save_cache(cachefile, newdevices)
            self.devices = newdevices

    async def cloud_start(self):
        if self.devices is None:
            self.devices = {}

        await[self._registry_handler], self.devices)

    async def local_start(self, handlers: List[Callable], zeroconf):
        if self.devices is None:
            self.devices = {}

        if handlers:
            handlers = [self._registry_handler]

        self.local.start(handlers, self.devices, zeroconf)

    async def stop(self, *args):
        # TODO: do something

    async def send(self, deviceid: str, params: dict):
        """Send command to device."""
        seq = str(int(time.time() * 1000))

        device: dict = self.devices[deviceid]
        can_local = self.local.started and device.get('host')
        can_cloud = and device.get('online')

        state = {}

        if can_local and can_cloud:
            # try to send a command locally (wait no more than a second)
            state['local'] = await self.local.send(deviceid, params, seq, 1)

            # otherwise send a command through the cloud
            if state['local'] != 'online':
                state['cloud'] = await, params, seq)
                if state['cloud'] != 'online':
                    coro = self.local.check_offline(deviceid)

        elif can_local:
            state['local'] = await self.local.send(deviceid, params, seq, 5)
            if state['local'] != 'online':
                coro = self.local.check_offline(deviceid)

        elif can_cloud:
            state['cloud'] = await, params, seq)


        # update device attrs
        self._registry_handler(deviceid, state, None)

    async def bulk(self, deviceid: str, params: dict):
        """For bulk send switches command. You cannot send two commands
        simultaneously to different channels. This causes errors on local and
        cloud connections.
        assert 'switches' in params, params

        if deviceid not in self.bulk_params:
            self.bulk_params[deviceid] = params
            await asyncio.sleep(0.1)
            return await self.send(deviceid, self.bulk_params.pop(deviceid))

            self.bulk_params[deviceid]['switches'] += params['switches']

class EWeLinkBase:
    registry: EWeLinkRegistry = None
    deviceid: str = None
    channels: list = None
    _attrs: dict = None
    _name: str = None
    _is_on: bool = None
    _is_th_3_4_0: bool = False

    def __init__(self, registry: EWeLinkRegistry, deviceid: str,
                 channels: list = None):
        self.registry = registry
        self.deviceid = deviceid
        self.channels = channels

    def _init(self, force_refresh: bool = True) -> dict:
        device: dict = self.registry.devices[self.deviceid]

        # Присваиваем имя устройства только на этом этапе, чтоб в `entity_id`
        # было "sonoff_{unique_id}". Если имя присвоить в конструкторе - в
        # `entity_id` попадёт имя в латинице.
        # TODO: fix init name
        if self.channels and len(self.channels) == 1:
            ch = str(self.channels[0] - 1)
            self._name = device.get('tags', {}).get('ck_channel_name', {}). \
                             get(ch) or device.get('name')
            self._name = device.get('name')

        state = device['params']

        self._attrs = device['extra'] or {}
        # don't know if deviceType only in Sonoff TH
        self._is_th_3_4_0 = 'deviceType' in state

        if force_refresh:
            attrs = get_attrs(state)
            self._update_handler(state, attrs)

        # init update_handler

        return device

    def _is_on_list(self, state: dict) -> List[bool]:
        if self.channels:
            # very rarely channels can be reversed
            return [
                switch['switch'] == 'on'
                for switch in state['switches']
                if switch['outlet'] + 1 in self.channels
            return [state['switch'] == 'on']

    def _update_handler(self, state: dict, attrs: dict):
        raise NotImplemented

    async def _turn_on(self):
        if self.channels:
            switches = [
                {'outlet': channel - 1, 'switch': 'on'}
                for channel in self.channels
            await self.registry.bulk(self.deviceid, {'switches': switches})
        elif self._is_th_3_4_0:
            await self.registry.send(self.deviceid, {
                'switch': 'on', 'mainSwitch': 'on', 'deviceType': 'normal'})
            await self.registry.send(self.deviceid, {'switch': 'on'})

    async def _turn_off(self):
        if self.channels:
            switches = [
                {'outlet': channel - 1, 'switch': 'off'}
                for channel in self.channels
            await self.registry.bulk(self.deviceid, {'switches': switches})
        elif self._is_th_3_4_0:
            await self.registry.send(self.deviceid, {
                'switch': 'off', 'mainSwitch': 'off', 'deviceType': 'normal'})
            await self.registry.send(self.deviceid, {'switch': 'off'})

    async def _turn_bulk(self, channels: dict):
        """Включает, либо выключает указанные каналы.

        :param channels: Словарь каналов, ключ - номер канала, значение - bool
        switches = [
            {'outlet': channel - 1, 'switch': 'on' if switch else 'off'}
            for channel, switch in channels.items()
        await self.registry.send(self.deviceid, {'switches': switches})

class EWeLinkEntity(EWeLinkBase):
    def should_poll(self):
        return False

    def unique_id(self):
        return self.deviceid

    def name(self):
        return self._name

    def extra_state_attributes(self):
        return self._attrs

    def available(self):
        device: dict = self.registry.devices[self.deviceid]
        return device['available']

    async def async_added_to_hass(self):

    # Backwards compatibility for "device_state_attributes"
    # deprecated in 2021.4, add warning in 2021.6, remove in 2021.10
    p = getattr(EWeLinkEntity, 'extra_state_attributes')
    setattr(EWeLinkEntity, 'device_state_attributes', p)

-Edited and replaced complete with above code. -restarted -I have 3 ifan03 and not working with the above error

Logger: homeassistant.setup Source: First occurred: 11:59:44 AM (3 occurrences) Last logged: 11:59:44 AM

Unable to prepare setup for platform Platform not found (cannot import name ‘EWeLinkEntity’ from ‘custom_components.sonoff.sonoff_main’ (/config/custom_components/sonoff/

It works great here too. Thanks again!

If in doubt how to do this, it’s pretty simple:

  1. Navigate to your sonofff custom_components folder

image 2. Edit and replace all its content by the code above 3. restart Home Assistant