[iTerm2, Bash-4.4] shell becomes unresponsive on resize
ble version: 0.4.0-devel2+5327f5d Bash version: 5.0.16(1)-release,x86_64-apple-darwin19.3.0
If I resize a terminal window without typing at least one character into it, the shell won’t accept any commands after the resize. The corresponding bash
process runs at 100% CPU usage and is only killable by SIGKILL(9). This is independent of the used terminal emulator.
How to reporoduce:
- open a terminal window
- resize it
- see in another terminal the CPU usage rise
PS1: \[\]\[\033]0;\u@\H:\W\007\]\[$(iterm2_prompt_mark)\]\$ \[\]
About this issue
- Original URL
- State: closed
- Created 4 years ago
- Comments: 16 (10 by maintainers)
works for me as expected. Thank you very much.