heroku-deploy: Error: Command failed: git push heroku HEAD:refs/heads/main --force
Error I received
My file:
name: Deploy
- master
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
- name: Install packages
run: npm install
- name: Build project
run: npm run-script build
- uses: akhileshns/heroku-deploy@v3.12.12 # This is the action
heroku_api_key: ${{secrets.HEROKU_API_KEY}}
heroku_app_name: ${{secrets.HEROKU_APP_NAME}} #Must be unique in Heroku
heroku_email: ${{secrets.HEROKU_EMAIL}}
procfile: 'web: npm start'
About this issue
- Original URL
- State: open
- Created 3 years ago
- Reactions: 22
- Comments: 33 (4 by maintainers)
Interestingly for me just regenerating the deploy token fixed the problem.
TL;DR: Ensure your secrets are defined and accessible.
For those of you discovering this issue today, I had the same problem. I determined it was being caused by the HEROKU_API_KEY not being defined in secrets for the repository. The error message is something of a misnomer as it shows
successfully logged into heroku
in the output, despite that clearly not being the case (in our instance).HTH
In my case updating secret API_KEY and EMAIL_ID again, worked for me!
@IshaanOhri I couldn’t wait for a fix or a response from the developers, so I started using Heroku’s automatic deploy. 😄 I removed the deployment part from my workflow and left only the steps that executes before (running tests, lint, etc). And then, on Heroku, I enabled the option to run deploy only on a specific branch (in this case, the
) and only after the CI has successfully run.<kbd></kbd>
Maybe you should try, cheers.
You just need to configure the secrets on GitHub You can get HEROKU_API_KEY from account settings on Heroku Account
Hey everyone, sorry about the extremely delayed response (COVID-19 + College is making it hard to stay on track with this). But I have been working on a fix on this for a while, I haven’t been able to resolve it yet. My suspicion is that these could likely be multiple issues layered behind a common logging message (so there’s obviously a need to improve the logging on these things). I am working on this, I’m not quite near a fix yet but I am working. I’ll try and keep updated from now on and hopefully resolve this in a new release soon
I think the problem is heroku app is using master branch as a default branch .
I got this issue after resetting my heroku login/password. I had to regenerate new tokens and it fixed the issue
"git push heroku main " is not uploading. It is showing error: src refspec main does not match any error: failed to push some refs to ‘https://git.heroku.com/arcane-lowlands-81668.git’ was anybody able to resolve the issue?
I’ll have an update by tomorrow