Showkase: Dark mode demo not working

Captura de pantalla 2021-03-08 a las 9 26 04


I’m using this code to change (and animate) dark mode from a debug drawer:

fun RestaurantMenuNumbersTheme(
    darkTheme: Boolean = isSystemInDarkTheme(),
    darkThemeState: MutableState<Boolean> = remember { mutableStateOf(darkTheme) },
    content: @Composable (MutableState<Boolean>) -> Unit,
) {

    val transition = updateTransition(targetState = darkThemeState.value)

    val colors = if (darkThemeState.value) {
    } else {

    val animateColors = Colors(
        primary = transition.animateColor { colors.primary }.value,
        primaryVariant = transition.animateColor { colors.primaryVariant }.value,
        secondary = transition.animateColor { colors.secondary }.value,
        secondaryVariant = transition.animateColor { colors.secondaryVariant }.value,
        background = transition.animateColor { colors.background }.value,
        surface = transition.animateColor { colors.surface }.value,
        error = transition.animateColor { colors.error }.value,
        onPrimary = transition.animateColor { colors.onPrimary }.value,
        onSecondary = transition.animateColor { colors.onSecondary }.value,
        onBackground = transition.animateColor { colors.onBackground }.value,
        onSurface = transition.animateColor { colors.onSurface }.value,
        onError = transition.animateColor { colors.onError }.value,
        isLight = colors.isLight,

        colors = animateColors,
        typography = Typography,
        shapes = Shapes,
        content = { content(darkThemeState) }

So, showkase not shows the dark mode / l right mode correctly

About this issue

  • Original URL
  • State: closed
  • Created 3 years ago
  • Comments: 18

Most upvoted comments

Uhmmm, I think yes … but no worry, feel free to close this issue