julia_notebooks: Installation bug (?) in Colab

First, I want to thank you for developing this. I use it for teaching as I don’t have the ability to add a local Jupyter/Julia installation to the various classroom computers. I used it extensively about a year ago by installing Julia 1.7.2, IIRC.

I am teaching this course again, and I went to run the Julia installation, and it is throwing an error that I can’t quite wrap my head around. I am guessing it is on the Colab side. Any guidance on a resolution would be appreciated!!

Installing Julia 1.8.2 on the current Colab Runtime...
2023-01-20 15:45:13 URL:https://storage.googleapis.com/julialang2/bin/linux/x64/1.8/julia-1.8.2-linux-x86_64.tar.gz [135859273/135859273] -> "/tmp/julia.tar.gz" [1]
Installing Julia package IJulia...
/bin/bash: line 24:   229 Aborted                 (core dumped) julia -e 'using Pkg; pkg"add '$PKG'; precompile;"' &> /dev/null
CalledProcessError                        Traceback (most recent call last)
[<ipython-input-1-9b4dbd3cbe07>](https://localhost:8080/#) in <module>
----> 1 get_ipython().run_cell_magic('shell', '', 'set -e\n\n#---------------------------------------------------#\nJULIA_VERSION="1.8.2" # any version ≥ 0.7.0\nJULIA_PACKAGES="IJulia BenchmarkTools"\nJULIA_PACKAGES_IF_GPU="CUDA" # or CuArrays for older Julia versions\nJULIA_NUM_THREADS=2\n#---------------------------------------------------#\n\nif [ -z `which julia` ]; then\n  # Install Julia\n  JULIA_VER=`cut -d \'.\' -f -2 <<< "$JULIA_VERSION"`\n  echo "Installing Julia $JULIA_VERSION on the current Colab Runtime..."\n  BASE_URL="https://julialang-s3.julialang.org/bin/linux/x64"\n  URL="$BASE_URL/$JULIA_VER/julia-$JULIA_VERSION-linux-x86_64.tar.gz"\n  wget -nv $URL -O /tmp/julia.tar.gz # -nv means "not verbose"\n  tar -x -f /tmp/julia.tar.gz -C /usr/local --strip-components 1\n  rm /tmp/julia.tar.gz\n\n  # Install Packages\n  nvidia-smi -L &> /dev/null && export GPU=1 || export GPU=0\n  if [ $GPU -eq 1 ]; then\n    JULIA_PACKAGES="$JULIA_PACKAGES $JULIA_PACKAGES_IF_GPU"\n  fi\n  for PKG in `echo $JULIA_PACKAGES`; do\n    echo "Installing Julia package $PKG..."\n    julia -e \'using Pkg; pkg"add \'$PKG\'; precompile;"\' &> /dev/null\n  done\n\n  # Install kernel and rename it to "julia"\n  echo "Installing IJulia kernel..."\n  julia -e \'using IJulia; IJulia.installkernel("julia", env=Dict(\n      "JULIA_NUM_THREADS"=>"\'"$JULIA_NUM_THREADS"\'"))\'...

2 frames
[/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/google/colab/_system_commands.py](https://localhost:8080/#) in check_returncode(self)
    132   def check_returncode(self):
    133     if self.returncode:
--> 134       raise subprocess.CalledProcessError(
    135           returncode=self.returncode, cmd=self.args, output=self.output)

CalledProcessError: Command 'set -e

JULIA_VERSION="1.8.2" # any version ≥ 0.7.0
JULIA_PACKAGES="IJulia BenchmarkTools"
JULIA_PACKAGES_IF_GPU="CUDA" # or CuArrays for older Julia versions

if [ -z `which julia` ]; then
  # Install Julia
  JULIA_VER=`cut -d '.' -f -2 <<< "$JULIA_VERSION"`
  echo "Installing Julia $JULIA_VERSION on the current Colab Runtime..."
  wget -nv $URL -O /tmp/julia.tar.gz # -nv means "not verbose"
  tar -x -f /tmp/julia.tar.gz -C /usr/local --strip-components 1
  rm /tmp/julia.tar.gz

  # Install Packages
  nvidia-smi -L &> /dev/null && export GPU=1 || export GPU=0
  if [ $GPU -eq 1 ]; then
  for PKG in `echo $JULIA_PACKAGES`; do
    echo "Installing Julia package $PKG..."
    julia -e 'using Pkg; pkg"add '$PKG'; precompile;"' &> /dev/null

  # Install kernel and rename it to "julia"
  echo "Installing IJulia kernel..."
  julia -e 'using IJulia; IJulia.installkernel("julia", env=Dict(
  KERNEL_DIR=`julia -e "using IJulia; print(IJulia.kerneldir())"`
  KERNEL_NAME=`ls -d "$KERNEL_DIR"/julia*`
  mv -f $KERNEL_NAME "$KERNEL_DIR"/julia  

  echo ''
  echo "Successfully installed `julia -v`!"
  echo "Please reload this page (press Ctrl+R, ⌘+R, or the F5 key) then"
  echo "jump to the 'Checking the Installation' section."
' returned non-zero exit status 134.

About this issue

  • Original URL
  • State: closed
  • Created a year ago
  • Comments: 16 (5 by maintainers)

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Most upvoted comments

Hey @ageron @jqbond everything is fixed with the current runtime now – no need for the fallback runtime or LD_PRELOAD=. See https://github.com/googlecolab/colabtools/issues/3385.

It’s great that the Colab team has acknowledged this bug and will try to fix it. I’ve tried to run “Use fallback runtime version” from the Command palette, as they suggested, but unfortunately I got a message saying that the fallback runtime is unavailable.

However, the second solution they suggested worked: I just replaced every julia command in the first cell of the notebooks with LD_PRELOAD= julia (note the space before julia), and then things ran normally.

I’ll commit this change and revert it once they’ve fixed Colab.

Hey @ageron @jqbond there are some helpful solutions being posted here: https://github.com/googlecolab/colabtools/issues/3385. It sounds like they are trying to patch this in the next runtime update which is good.

Yeah, the URL doesn’t exist anymore: go to https://storage.googleapis.com/julialang2/bin/linux/x64/1.8/julia-1.8.2-linux-x86_64.tar.gz (i.e., it’s not a colab issue). Maybe raise a new issue instead?

The default URL needs to be updated. Or just changed to juliaup instead.

@ageron that was my guess when I first encountered the error. I ended up borrowing some of the Jupyter Docker Stacks and then customizing a Dockerfile with Julia packages. I’m running it now in Codespaces on GitHub as my cloud-based Julia-in-a-Notebook solution. Let me know if that is of interest, and I can link you to the repository.