temurin-build: Failed to copy artifacts filter spec fix #1830

About this failed build https://ci.adoptopenjdk.net/job/build-scripts/job/jobs/job/jdk11u/job/jdk11u-windows-x64-openj9-windowsXL/364/

06:44:54  Copied 0 artifacts from "build-scripts » release » create_installer_windows" build number 4410
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // stage
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // node
[Pipeline] echo
06:44:54  Execution error: Failed to copy artifacts from build-scripts/release/create_installer_windows with filter: wix/ReleaseDir/OpenJDK*jdk_*_windows_*.msi

https://ci.adoptopenjdk.net/job/build-scripts/job/release/job/create_installer_windows/4410/console had produce : OpenJDK11U-jdk_x64_windows_openj9_windowsXL_2020-06-05-23-31.msi

At the begining I was thinking the filter was bad because I have only see _windowsXL doesn’t match _windows_ … but there is a _windows_ before _windowsXL … so the filter must have been matched.

Why OpenJDK*jdk_*_windows_*.msi havn’t matched OpenJDK11U-jdk_x64_windows_openj9_windowsXL_2020-06-05-23-31.msi

seeing copyArtifacts filter doc : https://www.jenkins.io/doc/pipeline/steps/copyartifact/

See the @includes of Ant fileset for the exact format.

I have juste tested with ant :

<project name="TestProject" default="testfilter" basedir=".">
    <target name="testfilter">
        <copy todir="/tmp/dst" overwrite="true" verbose="true">
                <fileset dir="/tmp/src" includes="wix/ReleaseDir/OpenJDK*jdk_*_windows_*.msi" />


     [copy] Copying 1 file to /tmp/dst
     [copy] Copying /tmp/src/wix/ReleaseDir/OpenJDK11U-jdk_x64_windows_openj9_windowsXL_2020-06-05-23-31.msi to /tmp/dst/wix/ReleaseDir/OpenJDK11U-jdk_x64_windows_openj9_windowsXL_2020-06-05-23-31.msi

Total time: 0 seconds

Either copyartifact don’t exactly use exact filter format as Ant fileset @includes either the filter was not the problem.

About this issue

  • Original URL
  • State: closed
  • Created 4 years ago
  • Comments: 18 (18 by maintainers)

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Most upvoted comments

https://ci.adoptopenjdk.net/view/Failing Builds/job/build-scripts/job/jobs/job/jdk11u/job/jdk11u-windows-x64-openj9/649/console

05:13:33  Copied 0 artifacts from "build-scripts » release » create_installer_windows" build number 5075
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // stage
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // node
[Pipeline] echo
05:13:33  Execution error: hudson.AbortException: Failed to copy artifacts from build-scripts/release/create_installer_windows with filter: wix/ReleaseDir/*
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // timeout
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // timestamps
[Pipeline] End of Pipeline
ERROR: Failed to copy artifacts from build-scripts/release/create_installer_windows with filter: wix/ReleaseDir/*

Still no stacktrace unfortunately. Could we perhaps roll it back and just do printstacktrace and get admin permission to do so?

@douph1 It doesn’t look like it is printing the full trace 😭 https://ci.adoptopenjdk.net/view/Failing Builds/job/build-scripts/job/jobs/job/jdk14u/job/jdk14u-windows-x64-openj9/116/console

08:18:25  Scheduling project: build-scripts » release » create_installer_windows
08:18:33  Starting building: build-scripts » release » create_installer_windows #4896
[Pipeline] copyArtifacts
08:24:18  Copied 0 artifacts from "build-scripts » release » create_installer_windows" build number 4896
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // stage
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // node
[Pipeline] echo
08:24:18  Execution error: hudson.AbortException: Failed to copy artifacts from build-scripts/release/create_installer_windows with filter: wix/ReleaseDir/*

Also see #1858