ember-light-table: targetScrollOffset Error and scrollbar visible
I have a simple table in a template
{{#light-table table height='50vh' as |t|}}
onColumnClick=(action 'onColumnClick')
iconAscending='fa fa-sort-asc'
iconDescending='fa fa-sort-desc'
onScrolledToBottom=(action 'onScrolledToBottom')
as |body|}}
{{#body.expanded-row as |row|}}
{{#each foo as |msg|}}
<p>{{msg.name}}: {{msg.value}}</p>
when I expand a row and the expanded content overflows the table height, the scrollbar appears and that’s ok. The problem is that when the expanded row is collapsed the scrollbar reamins visibile, and If I try to click on it a lot of errors are thrown in the console
Assertion Failed: You modified "targetScrollOffset" twice on
<phoenix-client@component:lt-body::ember573> in a single render.
It was rendered in "component:lt-scrollable" and modified in "component:ember-scrollbar".
This was unreliable and slow in Ember 1.x and is no longer supported.
See https://github.com/emberjs/ember.js/issues/13948 for more details.
About this issue
- Original URL
- State: closed
- Created 7 years ago
- Comments: 21
see https://github.com/alphasights/ember-scrollable/pull/58
I’ll take a look
you can see it a lot clearer here: https://github.com/alphasights/ember-scrollable/compare/master...alexander-alvarez:demonstrate-overflow
@offirgolan the scrollbar continues to show up, even though there’s no overflow… I’m investigating a bit