aem-core-wcm-components: [Image] Does not call - /content// paths used on publish

When the image component is used on a page, is not being called when determining the smart images.

Result: <noscript data-cmp-image="{&#34;smartImages&#34;:[&#34;/content/project/nl/jcr%3acontent/banner.img.320.jpg&#34;,&#34;/content/project/nl/jcr%3acontent/banner.img.480.jpg&#34;,&#34;/content/project/nl/jcr%3acontent/banner.img.640.jpg&#34;,&#34;/content/project/nl/jcr%3acontent/banner.img.768.jpg&#34;,&#34;/content/project/nl/jcr%3acontent/banner.img.1024.jpg&#34;,&#34;/content/project/nl/jcr%3acontent/banner.img.1152.jpg&#34;,&#34;/content/project/nl/jcr%3acontent/banner.img.1440.jpg&#34;,&#34;/content/project/nl/jcr%3acontent/banner.img.1600.jpg&#34;],&#34;smartSizes&#34;:[320,480,640,768,1024,1152,1440,1600],&#34;lazyEnabled&#34;:true}">   <img src="/content/project/nl/_jcr_content/banner.img.jpg" alt/>   </noscript>

It seems to me that the resource resolved map’d URLs should be used, i.e. in this case: /nl/_jcr_content/banner.img.320.jpg

About this issue

  • Original URL
  • State: closed
  • Created 7 years ago
  • Reactions: 2
  • Comments: 19 (13 by maintainers)

Most upvoted comments

I think at that point we viewed it as fixing a bug (for v1) and not adding a change/improvement.

@richardhand Can you adjust the fix version then? Seems this was fixed with 2.0.4.

Looks like this was added in 9cb5ffb1335777c482ca0b66db762f6fe41f734d

Which is way after this ticket was created, for a different issue. So this can be closed now.

Given the known could-be-slings-fault issue with double encoding when calling I would say it’s the responsibility of such a rewriter to handle decoding as ACS do. If it’s known that the image component rewrites its attribute, there would be no need to register our attribute with a rewriter in any case.

So I would recommend we go ahead and do the mapping here.

I’m not sure I agree anymore. 😃

I just ran into an issue where someone had configured a sling:alias with spaces inside. The path that had this sling:alias configured was used in an href-attribute on an a-tag…

Now the issue was that we were calling on it twice: Once via the ootb LinkChecker, and the second time via the ResourceResolverMapTransformerFactory from ACS AEM Commons.

This caused the URL to get rewritten from ‘/content/my/page.html’ to ‘/content/my/aliassed%20page.html’, which is fine. But then when the second map() call was done, it was rewritten to ‘/content/my/aliassed%2520page.html’.

So the question that we should raise here is: Who is responsible for calling

  • The developer’s own code, if it’s not about a:href?
  • A generic service that can be configured to call on any element and any attribute (that would be my preference)?

What is the recommendation from Adobe?

And how do you handle the case with spaces I explained above here? Apparently calling multiple times can have side-effects that are not wanted.