webhook: kubernetes + webhook + hotreload + error locating command
Hi everyone!
I found a weird behavior that should works (at least it’s working docker-compose and volumes) with kubernetes!
I’m trying to have pods with webhook and be able to hot-reload the hooks and scripts. 😄
With docker-compose and volumes, it’s working but now I want to step up a little bit with kubernetes!
In this issue, normally you’ll have everything to reproduce it on a k8s cluster!
So I got a simple setup with this manifest:
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
name: d-webhook
replicas: 1
app: a-webhook
app: a-webhook
- name: webhook-development
imagePullPolicy: Always
image: dalongrong/almir-webhook-curl
- containerPort: 9000
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: s-webhook-development
type: LoadBalancer
- port: 9000
targetPort: 9000
app: a-webhook
And then, I copy scripts and hooks.yaml with kubectl
You’ll need the podname sooo:
kubectl get pods -l app=a-webhook -o json | jq -r '.items[].metadata.name'
With the name, you can replace “podname” with the correct name.
Copy the scripts to the pod:
kubectl cp ./scripts podname:/var/ podname
Copy the hooks to the pod:
kubectl cp ./hooks.yaml podname:/etc/webhook podname
- id: ping
execute-command: /var/scripts/ping.sh
command-working-directory: ./
response-message: pong
echo "pong"
After you executed the two commands, you should have this:
[webhook] 2020/09/15 16:56:59 caught HUP signal
[webhook] 2020/09/15 16:56:59 attempting to reload hooks from /etc/webhook/hooks.yaml
[webhook] 2020/09/15 16:56:59 found 1 hook(s) in file
[webhook] 2020/09/15 16:56:59 loaded: ping
So, normally it should mean the hook is hot-reloaded and the scripts are located at /var/scripts
If you bash in the pod, you can see the scripts!
And then, you can try to trigger the webhook but first you need to expose the port:
kubectl port-forward service/s-webhook-development 9000:9000
And then on your browser to make it simply, go to : http://localhost:9000/hooks/ping
You should see “pong” BUT on the logs :
[webhook] 2020/09/15 17:09:21 [c8acb1] incoming HTTP GET request from
[webhook] 2020/09/15 17:09:21 [c8acb1] ping got matched
[webhook] 2020/09/15 17:09:21 [c8acb1] error parsing body payload due to unsupported content type header:
[webhook] 2020/09/15 17:09:21 [c8acb1] ping hook triggered successfully
[webhook] 2020/09/15 17:09:21 [c8acb1] 200 | 4 B | 68.101µs | localhost:9000 | GET /hooks/ping
[webhook] 2020/09/15 17:09:21 [c8acb1] error locating command: '/var/scripts/ping.sh'
Thanks you for this amazing tool, can’t wait to resolve this, I’m having a lot of fun!
I hope I didn’t forgot something, normally it should work on your side!
Hope someone could help on this 😃
About this issue
- Original URL
- State: closed
- Created 4 years ago
- Comments: 15
Commits related to this issue
- Log stdlib error on failed exec.LookPath The error returned exec.LookPath was never surfaced to the user. Without that detail, the user can't tell the difference between a non-existent path and a per... — committed to moorereason/webhook by moorereason 4 years ago
- Log stdlib error on failed exec.LookPath The error returned by exec.LookPath was never surfaced to the user. Without that detail, the user can't tell the difference between a non-existent path and a ... — committed to moorereason/webhook by moorereason 4 years ago
- Log stdlib error on failed exec.LookPath The error returned by exec.LookPath was never surfaced to the user. Without that detail, the user can't tell the difference between a non-existent path and a ... — committed to moorereason/webhook by moorereason 4 years ago
I’m closing the issue because it’s fixed now 😄
Hope it will help someone else!
Thanks you a looooooot @moorereason !!!
If someone want the permission to be done inside the container with a cron job
With all of those files and basic configuration, the cron job will need 1 min after the launch of the container… an after that every 5 seconds the permission is given to the files.
So just execute a command to copy files at
and then wait 5 secs, and it should be ok! Have fun!