circuitpython: nrf52840 crashes when importing ht16k33 library
Executing this line from the REPL on an nrf52840 succeeds but if it is placed ina script and executed the board crashes - drops USB connection and enters safe mode
from adafruit_featherwing import alphanum_featherwing
it works fine on a feather_m4_express
About this issue
- Original URL
- State: closed
- Created 5 years ago
- Comments: 18 (1 by maintainers)
I’ve been working on approaching this a slightly different way. I’ve been removing a lot of contents of the libraries that import it and it seems to have something to do with an import chain. I’m not sure why it’s specific to the nRF52840, but maybe Jerry’s comments would help shed more light on that. Either way, I was also able to reproduce this bug.