circuitpython: I2C error after soft reboot on nRF52840
I get the following error accessing an I2C device (VCNL4040) after a soft reboot. It works normally after a hard reboot, but fails after a soft reboot (control-D)
This occurs with CP4.1.0 and CP 5.0 (current master)
Auto-reload is on. Simply save files over USB to run them or enter REPL to disable.
Press any key to enter the REPL. Use CTRL-D to reload.
Adafruit CircuitPython 4.1.0 on 2019-08-03; SparkFun Pro nRF52840 Mini with nRF52840
>>> import vcnl4040_simpletest
Proximity: 1
Light: 824
White: 2359
Proximity: 1
Light: 825
White: 2372
Proximity: 1
Light: 830
White: 2385
Proximity: 1
Light: 827
White: 2398
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
File "", line 13, in <module>
soft reboot
Auto-reload is on. Simply save files over USB to run them or enter REPL to disable.
Press any key to enter the REPL. Use CTRL-D to reload.
Adafruit CircuitPython 4.1.0 on 2019-08-03; SparkFun Pro nRF52840 Mini with nRF52840
>>> import vcnl4040_simpletest
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
File "", line 7, in <module>
File "", line 277, in __init__
File "adafruit_register/", line 86, in __get__
File "adafruit_register/", line 86, in __get__
File "adafruit_bus_device/", line 154, in write_then_readinto
File "adafruit_bus_device/", line 96, in readinto
OSError: [Errno 19] Unsupported operation
test code
import time
import board
import busio
import adafruit_vcnl4040
i2c = busio.I2C(board.SCL, board.SDA)
sensor = adafruit_vcnl4040.VCNL4040(i2c)
while True:
print("Proximity:", sensor.proximity)
print("Light:", sensor.light)
print("White:", sensor.white)
About this issue
- Original URL
- State: closed
- Created 5 years ago
- Comments: 21 (2 by maintainers)
No, I didn’t, sorry, doing multiple things at once 😃