activeadmin: Sidebar shown twice and wrong resource_path obtained for rails 4 in production.

I’m testing activeadmin with Rails 4 and got it working nicely in development. But in production, sidebar is shown twice. And the resource path is generated wrong in case of belongs_to dependency.

ActiveAdmin.register Tournament do

ActiveAdmin.register ScheduledMatch do
  belongs_to :tournament

The admin path generated automatically for ScheduledMatch by inherited_resources for actions, filter is admin_tournament_tournament_scheduled_matches_path instead of admin_tournament_scheduled_matches_path (Parent tournament is added twice) because of which it is failing in production.

The above problems show up only in production and not in development

My Gemfile (According to #2326 )

gem 'activeadmin',         github: 'gregbell/active_admin', branch: 'rails4'
gem 'ransack',             github: 'ernie/ransack',         branch: 'rails-4'
gem 'inherited_resources', github: 'josevalim/inherited_resources'
gem 'formtastic',          github: 'justinfrench/formtastic'

About this issue

  • Original URL
  • State: closed
  • Created 11 years ago
  • Comments: 37 (14 by maintainers)

Most upvoted comments

So how do I fix this bug? Upgrade activeadmin? To what version?

The patch works only onRuby > 2 and assumes that you don’t register the same resource with various definitions more than once. Having said that, here it is:

module UniqueResourceRegister
  def register(resource, options = {}, &block)
    unless registered_resources.include?(resource)
      registered_resources << resource


  def registered_resources
    @registered_resources ||= []


I’ve done a bit of digging with byebug, and found that as @marcroberts suspected files in app/admin are indeed being eager loaded.

Unfortunately, the issue appears not to be because of config in the old app, but rather an issue with file naming.

For the fresh Rails 4 app, running rails generate active_admin:install creates app/admin/admin_user.rb. This file is only loaded once (by ActiveAdmin), and hence any calls to action_item only happen once.

My existing app (for whatever reason) has several files that were plural rather than singular (in my case, app/admin/tracks). Files in app/admin in plural form appear to be loaded twice.

The issue appears to be in lib/active_support/dependencies.rb on line 287. If the singular form is used (e.g. admin_user), search_for_file incorrectly finds app/models/admin_user.rb If the plural form is used (e.g. admin_users), search_for_file returns nil, hence require_or_load attempts to require admin_users, which then requires our file, app/admin/admin_users.rb. As AA has already loaded this file, any calls to action_item happen twice, hence our duplicates.

Although I haven’t tried it, I suspect this may also cause issues with any AA definition files that don’t have another file in autoload_paths with the same name.

TL;DR, changing filenames to match those of the model (i.e. singular) seems to be a work around - renaming my file from app/admin/tracks.rb to app/admin/track.rb appears to have fixed the issue.