activeadmin: Nested belongs_to is broken

I have the following situation:

ActiveAdmin.register Location do
ActiveAdmin.register Event do
    belongs_to :location
ActiveAdmin.register Ticket do
    belongs_to :event

I would expect these namespaces to work:

  • locations
  • locations/[id]
  • locations/[id]/events
  • locations/[id]/events/[id]
  • locations/[id]/events/[id]/tickets
  • locations/[id]/events/[id]/tickets/[id]

instead the following work

  • locations
  • locations/[id]
  • locations/[id]/events
  • locations/[id]/events/[id]

and (kind of surprising)

  • events/[id]/tickets
  • events/[id]/tickets/[id]

while these don’t work:

  • locations/[id]/events/[id]/tickets
  • locations/[id]/events/[id]/tickets/[id]
  • events
  • events/[id]

the last two are on the one hand what I except because events are within locations namespace, but given that the namespace “events” seems to exists for the tickets, that is quite puzzling.

as expected, stuff like

admin_location_event_tickets_path(locationid, eventid)

does not work, neither. (NoMethodError)


does work and gives a valid path while


also works but gives an invalid path (shouldn’t work at all in my opinion)

the current behavior also breaks the breadcumbs: if you use events/[id]/tickets, the events oder the events/[id] link in the breadcrumbs are broken

About this issue

  • Original URL
  • State: closed
  • Created 11 years ago
  • Reactions: 5
  • Comments: 27 (14 by maintainers)

Most upvoted comments

Using ActiveAdmin 1.2.1, Rails 5.1 and this problem still persist. Anyone has a suggestion of how this can be solved?

While I have yet to try your code I find that you can hardly say it’s working.

For example

ActiveAdmin.register Project do
ActiveAdmin.register Report do
    belongs_to :project
ActiveAdmin.register Issues do
    belongs_to :report

Still generates /admin/reports/:report_id/issues path. The breadcrumbs then offer you to go to /admin/reports which don’t exist as you could already guess.

Since the bug isn’t fixed, a little hack can be done as following:

Instead of having a route like: locations/[id]/events/[id]/tickets, we can have a link to /tickets?q[event_id_eq]=[id] so that we set a filter on the ticket’s event id.

link_to 'Tickets', admin_tickets_path(q: { event_id_eq: }) assuming we have a var ticket containing the right ticket.

Hope this can help

Just hit a similar issue with using class_name like this:

ActiveAdmin.register(Photo) do
  menu false
  belongs_to :customer, class_name: "User"

It turns out inherited_resources doesn’t seem to respect class_name we can fix it by using parent_class: User as you can see below:

ActiveAdmin.register(Photo) do
  menu false
  belongs_to :customer, parent_class: User

We know it was broken somewhere between 1.0.0.pre1 and 1.3.0 since we were upgrading our project to the latest AA when we noticed this was no longer working.

Hope the above workaround saves you guys some time 😃.

It would be nice to have this working at some point, it has been 3 years since this was reported. Did someone get it working and could tell us what needs to be done?