activeadmin: `:commit` and `:utf8` ignored with Strong Parameters

Oddly in Rails 4 you don’t get an exception in development if a parameter is sent by your form, but isn’t expected (the default is to log an error). However you can change that:

config.action_controller.action_on_unpermitted_parameters = :raise

So then it’s obvious when you aren’t whitelisting all of your form parameters. However once you’ve got your form working correctly, you’re still blasted with exceptions because :commit and :utf8 are being sent but aren’t expected.

The question here is: what should be done about that? Should either AA or Inhertied Resources whitelist these two params?

About this issue

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  • State: closed
  • Created 11 years ago
  • Comments: 15 (3 by maintainers)

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I’m getting the same error. Did this ever get fixed - utf8, authenticity_token, and commit whitelisted by active admin??

Monkey patch that is working for me, and which allow you to keep the setting :

config.action_controller.action_on_unpermitted_parameters = :raise

In your active_admin model definition :

ActiveAdmin.register Model  do
  controller do
    def permitted_params
      params.permit :utf8, :_method, :authenticity_token, :commit, :id,
                model: [:attribute1, :attribute2, ...etc. ]


@seanlinsley, what about provide 2 methods: permit_params and permit_resource_params?

ActiveAdmin.register Post do

   # This will permit all default parameters (`:utf8`, `:authenticity_token`, `:commit`, `:id`, `:_method`) and the resource attributes provided 
   permit_resource_params :title, :body

   # If user want to get full access to permitted_params, he'll use this method, telling all parameters he with to whitelist
   permit_params post: [ :title, :body ], :utf, :id


I agree that these fields should be whitelisted by ActiveAdmin automatically as it generates them via the form helpers. Regardless of if you use :raise or :log you wouldn’t usually want these causing unnecessary noise.