checkout: checkout@v2 not getting recent commits

Assume a Github action with two Jobs - job1 & job2

In job1: Use checkout action to checkout the repo, update any file in the repo, commit and push the changes.

In job2:

Again use checkout action. The repo doesn’t contain the commit made in job1.

Here is a replicable sample:

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@v2
      - run: |  
          // update file1.txt
          git add file1.txt
          git config --local ""
          git config --local "github-actions"
          git commit -m "updated file1"
          git push
    needs: update-version
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    - uses: actions/checkout@v2
    - name: cat publish file
      run: |
        # the changes made in job1 are not reflected here
         cat file1.txt

About this issue

  • Original URL
  • State: open
  • Created 3 years ago
  • Reactions: 54
  • Comments: 25

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I ran into the same problem and came across this issue. But could figure out a solution within the documentation.

# The branch, tag or SHA to checkout. When checking out the repository that

    # triggered a workflow, this defaults to the reference or SHA for that event.
    # Otherwise, uses the default branch.
    ref: ''

This means by default the commit where the workflow was triggered will be taken. You can specify the master branch with ref: 'master'

As @sebastian-muthwill mentions, you can use the ref attribute to point to a specific branch. This way subsequent jobs always pull the latest code from that branch, and not from the revision that started the workflow.

@mugbug I think fetch-depth: 0 is your friend.

Here’s a full example that works for me when running multiple jobs that each generate a change-log file (i.e. modify the branch)

      - uses: actions/checkout@v2
          fetch-depth: 0
          ref: main

@adnan-kamili Does this solve your issue?

I don’t get any error, the checkout succeeds but it doesn’t get the latest commits. Seems to use some sort of cache. As a workaround I am doing the following:

  • uses: actions/checkout@v2
  • run: git pull origin master

IMO the best™ approach is the following:

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      commit_hash: ${{ steps.commit-and-push.outputs.commit_hash }}
      - name: Check Out the Repo
        uses: actions/checkout@v3

      - name: Update
        run: echo "Added changes on $(date)" >>

      - name: Commit and Push Changes
        id: commit-and-push
        uses: stefanzweifel/git-auto-commit-action@v4

#      Or do things manually instead of using git-auto-commit-action
#      - name: Commit and Push Changes
#        id: commit-and-push
#        run: |
#          git add
#          git config --local "41898282+github-actions[bot]"
#          git config --local "github-actions[bot]"
#          git commit -m "Update changelog"
#          git push
#          echo "commit_hash=$(git rev-parse HEAD)" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT

    needs: update-changelog
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: Check Out the Repo Again
        uses: actions/checkout@v3
          ref: ${{ needs.update-changelog.outputs.commit_hash }}

      - name: Display
        run: |
          # The changes are here 🎉🎉🎉

By passing the commit hash of the pushed commit from the first job update-changelog to the second job publish, we ensure that we check out exactly what we pushed before and not something that might have been pushed in between the job runs.

This isn’t really an issue, but a topic surrounded by a bit of confusion in regards to how the action works. When we talk about push events to branches, by default, the action ensures that it exactly checks out the commit specified in the github.sha variable of the github context. Because the value of github.sha doesn’t change over the lifetime of a workflow run, the action checks out the same commit across all jobs, whether you push something or not.

By setting the ref parameter to main or ${{ github.ref }}, the behavior of the action changes and it will instead always pull the latest commit available. Running git pull has effectively the same result. This will work fine in the majority of cases, but race conditions may occur:


For anyone interested, you can read more about this topic on my blog (shameless plug).

The one thing I’m still curious about is people reporting different results between operating systems. I’ve had a bit of fun analyzing this, so I created a repository that runs daily tests with the following scenarios:

  1. default checkout
  2. default checkout + git pull
  3. checkout with ref: ${{ github.ref }}
  4. “checkout exact”: the method I explained above

I run these tests on all the runner images available (ubuntu-22.04, ubuntu-20.04, macos-12, macos-11, windows-2022, windows-2019), but so far the everything returns the expected results. 🤷 I thought that these discrepancies might stem from the different Git implementations used within the runner images. I’ll keep an eye on the results, maybe something turns up in the future.

For anyone interested, I use Hugo to automatically publish the results here: Turning this into unit tests would also be pretty straightforward.

Having the same issue with actions/checkout@v3. The checkout function is pulling the most recent version of the repository for windows and macos, but not for ubuntu-latest.

It is pulling an older version of the repository for the ubuntu-latest runner and because of this my linux tests are failing. Tried many of the suggestions above, none have worked to fix this issue.

fetch-depth: 0 worked for me, ref: is irrelevant in my case.

To add to @restfulhead’s answer, fetch-depth: 0 is not necessary. This example always checks out the latest commit of the branch that triggered the workflow.

      - name: Checkout
        uses: actions/checkout@v3
          ref: ${{ github.ref }}

ref doesn’t work for me 😦



I confirm it is still there.

What the hell, I was thinking I was popping crazy pills, how is this even an issue.

I was having this same issue with checkout@v4, thought I was taking wacky pills, so I am very thankful for this thread! It feels great knowing that I am not alone in this issue.

In the end, the fetch-depth option wasn’t necessary, but adding the ref: main to my checkout step did the trick.

So, for any of you checkout@v4 folks this is what worked for me:

- name: Checkout
  uses: actions/checkout@v4
    ref: main

To add to @restfulhead’s answer, fetch-depth: 0 is not necessary. This example always checks out the latest commit of the branch that triggered the workflow.

      - name: Checkout
        uses: actions/checkout@v3
          ref: ${{ github.ref }}

Thanks, This worked for me!

I had a similar issue while trying to use standard-version to generate the changelog with previous commits. The problem was that it wasn’t fetching the commit history and only the last commit was available. I was able to solve this by running this command, which forces the commit history to be fetched:

git fetch --prune --unshallow

Running into the same issue. We should be able to do a checkout again without needing to specific the ref in dispatch workflow.

Dispatch Workflow starts off with checking out branch (2)

  1. Checkout branch (1)
  2. Create new branch (2) off branch (1)
  3. Force push branch (2)
  4. Checkout branch (2)

Step 4 seems to be pulling an old branch git sha.

Maybe this is normal behavior? According to this

If I check out branch (2) it will use the last github_ref. So even if I update the branch (2) and run step 4, it will still pull the older branch. Can someone help confirm?

I ran into the same issue. I have 2 jobs: Job-1: actions/checkout@v2, modify a file, commit the file, push the file

Job2: actions/checkout@v2

It doesn’t error out but it does log below which shows the last commit pushed within Job-1 is not there.

Checking out the ref
  /bin/git checkout --progress --force -B project-name refs/remotes/origin/project-name
  Warning: you are leaving 1 commit behind, not connected to
  any of your branches:

As a workaround, I had to do - run: git pull --no-rebase with Job-2 checkout (similar to what @adnan-kamili mentioned above)