lizmap-web-client: Error server replied: Request-URI Too Long
I’ve created a WFS service based on a PostgreSQL LineString table. In both QGIS and Lizmap plugin I’ve enabled everyting, that is to say - create, modify, modify geometry and delete. Filtered by group according to a specific field of the table.
Following, part of the GetCapabilities for the layer:
<LatLongBoundingBox minx="1647416.48" maxx="1713820.625" miny="4807680.5" maxy="4884220.59"/>
After adding the WFS service to QGIS desktop (with a user belonging to an editor group), I can see and query data, and in some cases (the shortest lines) I can divide the line in two pieces, delete one of these and save my edits, but trying to do the same with the longest ones, QGIS throws an error that simply says something like “geometry not modify”.
The Lizmap log reports: 2020-09-15 18:41:44 warning 2020-09-15 18:41:44 [2] file_get_contents(<Transaction+xmlns%3D""+service%3D"WFS"+version%3D"1.0.0"+xmlns%3Agml%3D""+xmlns%3Axsi%3D""+xsi%3AschemaLocation%3D""><Update+xmlns%3D""+typeName%3D"gao_tagliselettivi_2020_linestring"><Property+xmlns%3D""><Name+xmlns%3D"">geometry<%2FName><Value+xmlns%3D""><gml%3ALineString+srsName%3D"EPSG%3A3003"><gml%3Acoordinates+cs%3D"%2C"+ts%3D"+">1678813.35000000009313226%2C4844662.84999999962747097+1678812.91999999992549419%2C4844655.57000000029802322+1678811.96999999997206032%2C4844645.4599999999627471+1678809.21999999997206032%2C4844636.13999999966472387+1678805.7 … … a lot of coordinates … 1678201.969999999 failed to open stream: HTTP request failed! HTTP/1.1 414 Request-URI Too Long /opt/lizmap/lizmap/modules/lizmap/classes/lizmapProxy.class.php 241
Also the WFS log in QGIS reports: “server replied: Request-URI Too Long”, so after a little googleing I’ve added the variable “LimitRequestLine 4000000” in the apache.conf file. After restarting apache2 the error warning in QGIS becomes more cryptic “server replied: Internal Server Error”
the same in Lizmap log: 2020-09-15 21:41:27 warning 2020-09-15 21:41:27 [2] file_get_contents(<Transaction+xmlns%3D""+service%3D"WFS"+version%3D"1.0.0"+xmlns%3Agml%3D""+xmlns%3Axsi%3D""+xsi%3AschemaLocation%3D""><Update+xmlns%3D""+typeName%3D"gao_tagliselettivi_2020_linestring"><Property+xmlns%3D""><Name+xmlns%3D"">geometry<%2FName><Value+xmlns%3D""><gml%3ALineString+srsName%3D"EPSG%3A3003"><gml%3Acoordinates+cs%3D"%2C"+ts%3D"+">1678813.35000000009313226%2C4844662.84999999962747097+1678812.91999999992549419%2C4844655.57000000029802322+1678811.96999999997206032%2C4844645.4599999999627471+1678809.21999999997206032%2C4844636.13999999966472387+1678805.71999999997206032%2C4844627.00999999977648258 … … a lot of coordinates … 1678195.44999999995343387%2C4840024.16999999992549419+1678196.2900000000372529%2C4840019.07000000029802322+1678201.96999999 failed to open stream: HTTP request failed! HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error /opt/lizmap/lizmap/modules/lizmap/classes/lizmapProxy.class.php 241
The same occurs in two very different configurations:
qgis server 2.18, postgresql 11, lizmap 3.3.6-pre qgis server 3.10, postgresql 12, lizmap 3.3.11-pre
Any idea? full_lizmap.log
About this issue
- Original URL
- State: closed
- Created 4 years ago
- Comments: 28 (26 by maintainers)
@Gustry print/getprint after having added a KML > as it gets translated into a sequence of coordinated (WKT?) that is sent in the request, the URL gets quickly very long unless the geometries uploaded are very simple/few. I tried to workaround this at a web server level with the
parameter but at no avail. As far as I understand the request must really be done via POST and not GET.